I don't know who he is, but I want his schedule.
In the hour of meeting? This guy had to undergo torture, kill his captors, write up a report, and get it approved by multiple levels of bureacracy.
And there was voting involved.
He just got back to the lobby before you came out of your planning.
Sue, you blame -t for your "blame it on the rain" earworm. that was from yesterday.
I have a lunch scheduled with someone. I tried to get them to agree to BK, but they wouldn't have it. poop.
ita, I just bought a new brand of lemon cookies which turned out to be really good, and now I want to share some with you. Throwing crumbs on the monitor doesn't work, however.
Throwing crumbs on the monitor doesn't work, however.
Try throwing the whole cookie. I don't want just crumbs, durnit.
I was thinking, if I get the crumbs small enough, they'll get mixed in between the electrons, and by the time they cross the wires, you'll read the message and separate the lemony goodness from the words on your screen.
I'll wait until there's nobody else in the room for throwing a whole cookie, though.
[Edit: 8=2³ and 5=2+3]
S'allright. ;)
I may just have to pass to torture along to my co-workers.
Susan, I love the way the year is punctuated so differently (not just by holidays, but by the connections to them, like your choir) for different people. It's like living, just a bit, in an alternative reality, in a way.
I know what you mean. I've always enjoyed the rhythms of the year and watching the different ways people mark them, maybe especially because I grew up with so little official/sacred time-marking. Most Southern Baptists really don't go in for much of the liturgical year beyond Christmas and Easter themselves. So when I got to college and beyond and found myself surrounded by liturgical Christians and Jews and pagans and so on, it was like discovering something I'd always been looking for.
HTTP tunnelling cookies. We may need to work up an RFC.