Jesse's prety durn peppy and is probably going to laugh at me for using that word, but I think so.
worry that they're going to run out of math solvable crimes, though.
Eh, there are lord knows enough classic physics problems (first couple of years of college physics) they could incorporate if so inclined. Throw in friction and they'll at least seem a little more complex....
I can't watch Numbers. Math makes me go blind and drool. All higher brain functions shut down and I'm only capable of breathing and bowel movements.
Alternately, math sometimes makes me angry and I start throwing rocks at it and howling like a baboon.
Yeah, but the math in the show is like a McGyver math. It might make you say, Huh, cool when they explain some theory, but it's chosen to be cool with no knowledge on your part (Me, I'm a math hater from way back). You don't actually have to understand how to use the gum wrapper and the nail clipper to make a bazooka to enjoy waching McG do it.
They don't explain very much at all. So far it's been on the level of "I used an equation, and I think that it will/did happen this way." Then they draw some pictures, scribble fast, but it's easily blurred.
It's an okay show.
Speaking of math (sort of) I never received W-2s or 1099s from three employers.
They're supposed to have them in the mail on 1/31. So if you call, you can harass them safely.
And yeah, Numbers doesn't really inbolve math. It's like, a hot guy occasionally mentioning the word "equations" and a whiteboard. It doesn't even make me twitch.
Huh. Medium is based on a "real likfe research medium" named Allison Dubois.
I didn't know it was supposed to be based in RL.
I am still in love with Luke in that complete love of secret fictional boyfriends. However, I would very much like to have my very own Logan. For his complete ease with himself and unabashed confidence may be the singlemost sexy thing on tv right now, in combination with his smirky smile that is.
GG has officially made me boycrazy, even with the
crying and the sadness and hopelessly alone forever thoughts.
Wait, they used P=NP? ... how?
Folks, I give up. Any perl people out there? I've got a bunch of expressions which may occur in the text but may have linebreaks in them at random (well, word-boundary) points. How do I match them?
As an unsolvable problem the math dude was obsessed with as escapsim from RL.