I want.... to not be here at this very moment or really any moment, but still get paid and my friend to come down here and get her cookies so I can ask her a work question without leaving a papertrail and thus fix a problem.
Things are much more acquirable than people. And more managable. Just gimme money.
msbelle, what do you think their own dances consisted of? The chicken dance?
yes, they were wearing shirts. you know I am not attracted to either of them, so there would be no need for my subconscious to make them shirtless.
Rio and sara and I can be in the new job line.
their own dances mean that they wouldn't have to be following the DDR footwork.
I'm feeling very SMASH THE PEOPLE lately.
I am not attracted to either of them
But Usher's so pretty ....
See how easy I am to please?
There's a new job line?
DDR footwork.
Double Data Rate footwork?
Yes. unless you are Jesse, me or Lee, you must pick one line. New job line. Buy a house line. New lover line.