The Original Pug Sunday in San Francisco
I might have mentioned it here before, but a friend of my sister's hosted a "Running of the Bulldogs" in Tacoma last year. Yes, the same time that the bulls were running in Pamplona, Tacoma closed off a block and had bulldogs on parade. So. Damn. Cute!!
Huh. May have disturbed coworker by proclaiming, "I want to kill her. No, I want to kill her, resurrect her, and then KILL HER AGAIN."
It's better to bring them back WRONG and opt out of the second killing.
I like the sound of your boss, brenda.
On the anonymous note front, I'd still be afraid that they'd assume it came from me.
Then it may be time to play the nice card, Steph. The next day (some time when they AREN'T yelling), you go up, all "You know, I hate to even say anything, but... [I have to get up early for work/Did you realize how thin the walls are here/some other crap you make up]" But you have to be cute when you do it. Or at least non-threatening.
The only time I ever heard my neighbor in my last apartment was when he was having sex. Our bedrooms adjourned. It didn't happen often enough that I even begrudged him it. ("him it"? Can that possibly be right?)
I heard some truly appalling things from my hell neighbors regarding their sex life. And they didn't care. Thankfully, they got kicked out.
Today is a bad day.
Oh, and in fun V-Day news, I got home and opened my cards from my parents, and my dad sent the best card ever! It's "for a Sweet Girl," and it has PAPER DOLLS in it! AND stickers! Of a little girl and her cat. HEE! Cutehead papa.
Aww. Much to my surprise, the card I got was sweet, not potty humor or snarky. Mom must have picked it out....
Mine are cute, because they each send their own card, so sometimes one is sweet, one funny, like that.
That's so, I must say it: CUTE!
Aw, sweet and cute cards.
Okay, as usual, I have not studied for my quiz (quick! how do you say "I'd like my steak well done" in Spanish).
I have however had the oil, air filter and fuel filter changed in my car. Not surprisingly, it's made a world of difference.