On the whole when-to-talk-to-your-upstairs-neighbor versus talking-to-the-landlord issue:
My upstairs neighbor and some guy (her BF? I think?) are having a screaming fight, and they do so all the time. I don't really feel comfortable going up there and knocking on the door and asking them to cut it out. But it's really a disturbance.
[Plus, and I have no right to say this, she's very heavy -- like, way more than I am, I know, pot, kettle -- and so is her BF, and they thump around louder than anyone who's ever lived above me. I would never complain to the landlord about that, because god only knows what *my* downstairs neighbor thinks about *me.*]
So do I talk to the landlord about their screaming fights? If it wasn't a regular occurrence, I wouldn't say a thing. But it's getting really old.
Thanks, ita. I can never remember that. ♥
I was just looking at Grammy pictures. Usher's date was a full head taller than him.
Reminds me - 2 nights ago (clearly because of too many Grammy commercials) I had a dream that Usher and Justin were having a Dance Dance Revolution competition.
Nora, are you sure your place is the source of the leak? Ice damns can cause leaks on lower floors, even when the upper floors aren't showing any leaking. The water runs down through the walls, 'til it finds the most annoying place to leak out.
Weird, I'm getting red hearts almost everywhere.
On the whole when-to-talk-to-your-upstairs-neighbor versus talking-to-the-landlord issue:
But, that's different than water leakage, right? I mean, there's no implied criticism in letting someone know that there's a leak, and perhaps we should talk to the landlord?
So do I talk to the landlord about their screaming fights? If it wasn't a regular occurrence, I wouldn't say a thing. But it's getting really old.
Yes, you can do that.
(sorry, I am half paying attention to stuff today.)
Sounds like you need a prescription ointment, Frank.
So do I talk to the landlord about their screaming fights? If it wasn't a regular occurrence, I wouldn't say a thing. But it's getting really old.
My upstairs neighbors were the same, and management didn't do a thing. I resorted to calling the police (on more than one occasion), especially when I can hear her screaming, "No! Get away from me!" I haven't seen idiot-boy around for months now, so I assume she wised up and tossed him out.
So do I talk to the landlord about their screaming fights?
Is it going to be obvious that it was you that complained? Personally, in that situation, I wouldn't be comfortable complaining to their faces either given the reason they are making so much noise.
You have a right to enjoy a quiet apartment and it's the lanlord's job to provide that. I think you are justified in complaining if it is a semi-common problem.
On the whole when-to-talk-to-your-upstairs-neighbor versus talking-to-the-landlord issue:
But, that's different than water leakage, right? I mean, there's no implied criticism in letting someone know that there's a leak, and perhaps we should talk to the landlord?
Um, yes? No? (I think I missed a page of posts, because I don't get this.)