Yay for the Sean techie love.
I kind of like Valentine's Day, but I never felt like I got the "you don't have a boyfriend? What's wrong with you?" treatment that makes some people here hate it. But I like holidays in general -- if I have something to do, i celebrate, if I don't, I ignore it. (The only one that gives me the rage-at-Hallmark experience is Mother's Day, not because I don't like my mom -- I do -- but because having to remember it and send her a card and flowers and call her always seems like too much effort for a holiday a magazine editor made up, especially since her birthday is the next month anyhow. Yes, I am a bad daughter.)
Or maybe a convenient coma.
Have visions. Become part-demon. Get a bad haircut. Have your body hijacked by a PTB. Lose your memory. Sleep with your "son." Get pregnant. Be evil. Give birth to the aforementioned PTB in a spectacular blitz of blood and light, and you too can be in a coma.
Hey, it's one way....
You need to sing of happy, not sad.
Sing. Sing a song. Keep it simple, to last the whooole night long...
And now I'm just picturing all of the artists' heads on VH1 going Laaa la la la la, laaa la la la la, laa laa la la la la, and it is making me giggle.
DX = liar, liar.
Which also tells us something about his pants.
Laaa la la la la, laaa la la la la, laa laa la la la la
Laaa la la la la, laaa la la la la, laa laa la la la la. C'mon shrift join in. Don't you feel bett... hey, you're not Laaa-la-la-ing, are you?
(The only one that gives me the rage-at-Hallmark experience is Mother's Day, not because I don't like my mom -- I do -- but because having to remember it and send her a card and call her always seems like too much effort fir a holiday a magazine editor made up. Yes, I am a bad daughter.)
If it makes you feel better, my brother was born on Mother's Day, and he was slow about it, so my mom was in screaming pain for about 11 hours that day.
C'mon shrift join in. Don't you feel bett... hey, you're not Laaa-la-la-ing, are you?
Maybe a rousing rendition of the Muh-numma-nuh song, then?
annoyed. someone in my neighborhood egroup found manga at borders that is sexually explicit. Labled as such, so not hidden. not secret. She is doing a program on it, so she sould know that manga is not just for kids. Now she wants to complain about Borders - as if there weren't many , many other books, dvd's , videos and music that you might not want your 13 yr old daughter to buy. Books stores are not rated PG.