What is this stuff under the posting box, it appears to be some sort of search type function? Has this been here all day, and i just noticed it now?
It appeared magically around lunchtime (on the East Coast). Behold the prowess of our developers!
We can now search and jump to our hearts' content!
My favorite has to be Lisa has Dustin Hoffman for a sub
I think that's my second-favorite, after the Cape Fear episode.
SEAN! You big secret-keeper! Right ON, man!
Thanks, Hec! That was an AWESOME story.
You're welcome! I thought of you immediately when I read it. "Alibelle must read this story!"
Hey, like you never experimented with alternative lifestyles in college?
More after. Hence living in San Francisco. Where there aren't a lot of goats, but there are a lot of alternatives.
I did not notice the search features until just this minute. Thanks for mentioning them.
You're welcome! I thought of you immediately when I read it. "Alibelle must read this story!"
I appreciate it.
Poking head before running home to wish Maria a very pleasant unbirthday.
Now I want to search for something, just so that I can use the cool new toys. But that will have to wait for tomorrow because, well, home now. Bye!
Tell us about it, farmboy.
More after. Hence living in San Francisco. Where there aren't a lot of goats, but there are a lot of alternatives.
There's also Scotland...
Hey! MacLeod! Get offa my ewe!
Talked to my sister - my dad is out of surgery and in recovery, and the doctor told her that they didn't see anything wrong with his knee when they opened it up that they couldn't fix, so that's good. They're still not sure how long he'll be there - longer would be better, but there may be some insurance and stubborness issues about staying in longer than a few days. But so far so good.
That's great, brenda. I hope things continue to go well for your dad.
Christ in a rowboat, Word just crashed.
I swear to god I just checked the Word files I have open and was like "my Word's still up. Huh."
Not quite all there yet today.