(We're staying in and cooking this year. Last year, we went to Canada the day after having a very nice five course French meal. Needless to say, we've scaled down, and that's my V-Day commentary in a nutshell.)
We just had some wacky weather. A half hour ago, there was thunder, a lot of loud noises, and when I looked outside finally, it was to notice that we have about a half-inch of hail on the ground.
Now, of course, it's let up totally, and everything's quiet and dry with a hint of blue between the clouds.
I buy myself flowers all the time, and I have a husband. I just like having flowers around the house.
If the Minister is around, I need a hit taken out on the customer service people at Time Warner Cable, as well as the previous tennants of my apartment for not paying their last bill and making me jump through all these hoops just to get my fucking cable up and running.
We spent all weekend going out for nummy food and socializing with friends, but that had less to do with V-Day and more to do with Pete finally being done with the Deadline That Was Eating His Braaaaiiiiiiin.
I deliberately wore all black today (no pink, red, or white accessories or trim), because I'm hoping to head off the
"So, how do goths celebrate Valentine's Day?"
questions from my amazingly clueless, annoying, yet well-meaning cow-orker.
If the Minister is around, I need a hit taken out on the customer service people at Time Warner Cable, as well as the previous tennants of my apartment for not paying their last bill and making me jump through all these hoops just to get my fucking cable up and running.
Right. Kill Time Warner Cable people....
I've never had a girlfriend on V-day, and have mostly pretty much ignored it.
That is, until today. I seem to have a girlfriend now. However, we both plan on ignoring the day.
Sean?!?!?! Spill it, buster.
I seem to have a girlfriend now.
Uh, I'm gonna need an FAQ on this.
That is, until today. I seem to have a girlfriend now. However, we both plan on ignoring the day.
What?! How did I not know of this?! I know I've been a hermit and all lately, but I think I would have noticed a mention of a girlfriend ...
Sean?!?!?! Spill it, buster.
Uh, I'm gonna need an FAQ on this.
She worked as a costumer on a play I was working on last October. We just started flirting backstage, and fooled around a little bit. we've been seeing each other since then, but it's only recently (within the last few weeks) that it's become serious enough to call her my girlfriend.
Tell, tell!
I used to buy myself flowers all the time but I've kind of gotten out of the habit for some reason. I'll have to try to remind myself.
Mostly we walk past the flower shop as quickly as possible after a pre Mother's Day incident when I wasn't paying attention and the dog peed all over the mums they had out on the sidewalk.