Sorry to hear about the windshield, Matt. That the kind of chip that won't pass inspection?
In and of itself it might, but my previous cracked windshield that I had to replace started as a chip that I had to leave unattended in an airport garage with time to spread. I'm not taking chances this time around.
I fought the Word and the Word won.
A tardy, but sincere, thank you to all for the birthday wishes!
Congratulations to the haydens on the arrival of the sprog!
I fought the Word and the Word won.
t cries
Why is this table nearly twice as large in Word? Why can't I manually adjust row heights? Why isn't it just fitting on one bloody page?!?!?
I dunno if it is a general rule, but my insurance will pay for chip repairs and waive the deductible.
I went out to get some lunch, and was amused and annoyed to see some students walking through the rain, carrying several carnations with messages attached.
Nobody shot me.
Those dying declaration stories can be funny in a sick way. I've read some from Baltimore that were like "I cut myself shaving."(because code of the street says you never tell the po-lice.) My favorite was "I'll tell you in a minute." Twenty-eight seconds later, he was dead.
I got one of those flowers in high school, from my mom. We had a big fight the day before or something. So it was both appreciated and pathetic.
When the Bush administration decided to invade Iraq two years ago, it envisioned a quick handover to handpicked allies in a secular government that would be the antithesis of Iran's theocracy -- potentially even a foil to Tehran's regional ambitions.
But, in one of the greatest ironies of the U.S. intervention, Iraqis instead went to the polls and elected a government with a strong religious base -- and very close ties to the Islamic republic next door. It is the last thing the administration expected from its costly Iraq policy -- $300 billion and counting, U.S. and regional analysts say.
Um, lots and lots of people expected something like this, myself included. In fact, pretty much everyone not in the administration or not having a vested interest in promoting administration policies expected something like this....
Word has this tendency to think it knows better than you what you want, decide for you, and not give you any way to change things, because why would you ever want to do anything other than the way Word wants them to be?
I just had a chocolate cupcake. I have cramps, my back is out, my brain is Swiss cheese (ick), and I had to chair an important 9am meeting.
But I had a chocolate cupcake.
Made an appointment for chiro and realised I saw him last year on Valentine's Day. I wonder if my back is doing this on purpose...