HELP! I have lost my heart cookie cutter and we are in the midst of making V-day cookies! Anyone know how to do a simple heart shaped cookie cutter type thingy?? :(
The best idea I can come up with is drawing it with a knife. Or maybe you could try making a cardboard heart cookie cutter, and just clean up the edges that won't slice very neatly with a knife. Or you could just make regular round cookies using a cup or something, and then decorate the top with hearts-- if you don't have frosting, you could cut out a heart shape in paper, and use that to keep the edges clean when you drop sprinkles, or even just sugar on top.
ETA: Darn it. If I wasn't so wordy, I could've beaten Kat.
Steph, those earrings ROCK. I wonder if I could make a pair?
What Kat said, minus the wondering if I can make a pair, since I know I can't.
I wonder if I could make a pair?
I wondered the same thing. You can get miniature books from dollhouse supply places.
Courtney is very good with whatisname -- former ComaBoy from Everwood.
John Mayer (Mayor?) is very tall.
And Lisa Marie Presley is so tiny she makes the guys from U2 -- even the Edge -- look tall.
with a jump and a earring thing, it would be super easy to make.
Courtney is very good with whatisname -- former ComaBoy from Everwood.
So good. (he was Colin on Everwood). I wasn't liking her before, but I'm sort of loving her now. She's like coming into the story and being interesting as opposed to deadly boring.
Did you find the talking heads intrusive this week? I kind of did -- after not having them -- well, I want to say for a while -- but I think I just haven't been watching J&B repeats so really since the last new one before last week.
The flash forwards aren't as often anymore. But yeah, it was a little intrusive.
I was just browsing on the web and wondering:what's a good substitute for a diamond? Say you were looking at engagement rings for the hell of it (not for serious) and didn't want to contribute to the de Beers monopoly-- something precious and hard? I am a bad woman for not knowing this, but after seeing some not-great emeralds and sapphires out there, I wondered if (like my idea for wearing a wedding dress with sleeves) there's a good reason why most people just go with the diamond.