Benjamin did the same thing!
I'd tell her that - I'm sure it'll amuse her. She kept saying that he tries to cast a spell on her, when raising his arm like that.
I just got two more e-mails with cutest-in-the-world pictures (a cousin's son perched on the sofa like he's a teenager, even though he's only two years old, and a friends' baby daughter holding a bureaucratic letter they just received with her name on the envelope). It's the-cutest-in-the-world day on my screen.
And thanks for the link - I threadsucked a bit and found out. Adorable. "Layla" ("a" like in "aragorn", in both cases) means "night" in Hebrew, but Robin's BF probably knew that already.
[Edit: 2+4=6 and 2*4=8]
Oh, yes, I meant to mention that I looked at the Layla pictures -- what a photogenic pup!
Here's a random picture of my brother's dog (puppy at the time), Misty. Not as good a photo, but puppy goodness all the same.
Puppy! Thanks Kat for putting those up for us. And thanks Robing for sharing the Puppy! joy. And Theodosia for more Puppy!
B's son apparently finds it comfortable to fall asleep with his hand raised.
The boys did this too. I'm thinking it is a sign of a good soul. Also, very cute.
Gotta get a little more work done before I can lounge for 90 minutes watching my favorite Sunday Morning show (before the Evil news shows start).
Gronk. It's way to early for this human to be up and doing stuff, and yet, here I am sitting at the airport waiting for my flight.
More puppies! And Laura (with whom I haven't posted in forever) and ND (maybe looking at it as a very late hour of night, instead of early morning?).
Nope, there's no content in this post. I've looked. If the electrons had a sofa, I'd look under it. If it were the kind of thing that has "up" and "down". Maybe I'd find the bug I'm looking for there, too.
It isn't very often that you praise oatmeal, you know?
I send up a silent prayer every third or fourth consumption of oatmeal. In fact, when I have today's steel cut oats, I'll make sure to. You guys don't need to praise oatmeal. ita has it well covered.
If the electrons had a sofa, I'd look under it. If it were the kind of thing that has "up" and "down"
If you get miniscule enough, not only will there be up and down, but also charm and truth and beauty. Strange.
I love this post in every order of magnitude possible.
Up, walked the pup, and am now thinking about...oatmeal.
Gotta wait for my migraine meds to kick in, though.