Most old capoeira music are songs of defiance (or worship), and defiance was often against their masters, true.
Sadly, the killing was only each other, so it was perverted. I'm letting the history of the songs muddy their intent, which is no more (and probably less) valid than your interpretation.
Reasons to proofread your tattoo.
I love how people who know how to spell "you're" and know that you can't posess an adjective are dumb shits.
Does the song title use
instead of
or was it dumb in both senses?
Does the song title use your,
I'm pretty sure the song she took it from spells it correctly (not that it's in the title).
Which means her favorite band, the Goo Goo Dolls, are dumb shits too.
Frankly, I foresee a lifetime of short-lived boyfriends for her, with that tatoo.
"Hey, you've got a tatoo. Did you know that you've spelled...."
"Get out."
I couldn't get that Alias spoiler link to work -- well the link worked by the quicktime clip wouldn't run properly on my computer. However, in addition to the one cast thing mentioned in the text on that page I think that episode
is the one where Anna Espinoza comes back.
I suspect that some of the name changers got mixed up--maybe you and Lyra Jane, as you both changed to L names, and Lyra got married in the last couple of years?
I told you I never recover from the name changes. Oh well, I know nothing about anybody I guess, especially Steph.
The person with that tattoo shouldn't even try to defend herself. According to the comments, in the post where she claims she chose "your" on purpose she begins,
"Due to the large amount of dumb fucks wondering around these days..."
She's quoting Winnie the Pooh there....
What exactly did the tattoo say? (I can't seem to access the link)
She's quoting Winnie the Pooh there....
Yeah, I had to put away the Pooh books, once the kids could read. Milne coulda done without all the "dumb fuck" references.