I am entirely too attached to my neighborhood. I can't imagine ever living elsewhere.
Unless, apparently, you're me. The last time I saw someone selling girl scout cookies was when I went to Seattle. Two years ago.
but y'all aren't in a situation where you've got two people who will be working 9-5 40 hr/week jobs
Well, true, but we have trouble enough taking care of the dog while we're traveling and such. I think we'd have to be headed well back toward 9-5's to be able to handle kids. At least I think we'd need to come in off the road. We could maybe do admin stuff of what we do, or recording, or the art center. But I can't see being on the road constantly with an infant, or a toddler. Or a teenager!
I think all the Girl Scouts in the Bay Area have been sold into prostitution.
Our daycare plan is to get an au pair, assuming I find a job next fall/winter. They are slightly more expensive than regular daycare, but they are around at all hours and would solve some of the problems caused for us by DH's crazy work hours.
Word has gotten out through the Girl Scout Mafia: quote Addams Family at the scary people in black clothes, and they'll buy boxes of Thin Mints.
Hrrmph. I wear black to work every day, and nobody quotes the Addams Family
sells me Thin Mints!
salaries normally compound
For values of "normal" that include no job I've ever had.
The Girl Scouts managed to miss me this year. No cookies. I am sad.
But I can't see being on the road constantly with an infant, or a toddler.
A lot of musicians do it. Kristen Hirsh took her kids out on the road for months at a time. Vaudeville families did it. There are a lot of things that are probably easier about it. If you're not stuck with a rigid job schedule, then juggling parenting and work is a lot easier.
Compound as in you get a raise, and frequently the raise is a COLA raise of N% of your previous year.
So if you stay out of work 5 years, you don't lose salary + 5*N; you lose (salary * 1.N) raised to the fifth power.
The Girl Scouts managed to miss me this year.
We have ones in our neighborhood this year. I answered the door last weekend to a pair of teeny-tiny baby Girl Scouts, who did indeed quote Addams Family at me. After I marked down how many boxes I wanted, they scampered down our front stairs calling out "Mom! Mom! We sold cookies to the witchy lady! She's nice!"