What in the world are you doing up at this hour?
Trying to work on a paper due on Sunday for a "History and Philosophy of Science" class. A really interesting class, an excellent professor, and a horrible dead-line for the paper. It's tomorrow here, already, for the record.
Get the ball rolling in rural WI on homeless help.
You're awesome.
Gus, I am awed by your mensch-liness. Seriously. I'd like to think I would do that, and I try to help people, but I mostly *know* them.
I'm proud to share the planet with you.(And not just cause the world needs more Wireheads.)
You're awesome.
Oh, that more women recognized this fundamental truth.
ita, go to Mozambique. In fact, let's all go to Mozambique.
erika! They started re-running H:LotS in Israel in a cables channel that my friend T gets, and she agreed to tape it for me (it's 5 days a week, she's a sweetheart for doing this). I'll be able to watch it from the beginning, finally.
The first time they ran it, the show was broadcasted on Saturday, in which I don't watch tv, so only when they changed days I could start watching, and it was already two-thirds on its way to the end, and I still fell completely in love with it. I have the first tape waiting for me at home, in fact. But I have to sit on this paper instead.
But I have to sit on this paper instead.
t now picturing Nilly covered in chicken feathers, quietly clucking while waiting for something to emerge...
Kathy, hee. If only it took only sitting and waiting for the paper to emerge, all written out, I probably wouldn't mind the feathers.
It's a word-for-word from a Hebrew expression - I gather there's nothing like that in English?
You're awesome.
Oh, that more women recognized this fundamental truth.
I think it's pretty well accepted as fact around here.
Nilly, here's hoping the ideas hatch sooner rather than later.
t Waves back at Robin
[Edit: my post # is as tired as me, the consecutive digits don't even bother to put themselves in order.]