Is that infatuation deemed more likely when the target isn't someone you know, more dangerous, or just more disturbing?
Infatuation with someone you've never met: more dangerous. More likely? Could be, I suppose, since someone you don't know is like a blank slate for you to draw your ideal onto. More disturbing? Dunno.
Because, really, if I were going to go make stuff up about people, I'd feel safest doing it about people with whom I'd have no contact.
Well, the original question was, just because you see Tom Brady on TV all the time, and he is polite to reporters and occasionally manages to shave, would/should you feel safe if you met him in a dark alley?
My answer is no, and no offense to Tom, but I don't know who he is when he's at home.
Depends on your time zone, DE. I have gotten used to the West Coast
running that politicky stuff in prime time, so I'm not sure.
just because you see Tom Brady on TV all the time, and he is polite to reporters and occasionally manages to shave, would/should you feel safe if you met him in a dark alley?
How much does he weigh, again? I guess I'd feel safer with him than with a complete stranger, since at least I'd have a name for the police, but that's about it.
Apparently, Brady is 6'4" and 225 lb. Although, his job is basically to get beaten up every seventh day, so if he were to go down a dark alley with anyone, it should be with ita.
The key question is -- would/should he feel safe with
in a dark alley? Since I'm not in love with him, his safety is pretty assured.
I mean, as long as he doesn't get fresh.
If I came in at 10, how late do I need to stay?
Customized M&Ms. (must be clean.) [link]
Timelies all!
State of the Union starts at 9 Eastern time. I will be far, far away from the
tv/radio at that point.
Hmm...So, little chance for me. Thanks
This made me laugh outloud:
Just before Water Survival training, he gave me a piece of advice I'll always remember: "Son, when you get right down to it, you have no nerve endings." Then he flushed me down the toilet.