And lots of even un-famous people with big families only hang out with family.
Sure. But Jackson is in fact famously estranged from most of his family and hangs out primarily with his entourage.
Who do you want to defend next? Howard Hughes? Elvis?
Jackson behaves weirdly. There are many, many public attested instances of his weird behavior; the baby hung out the window, the repeated plastic surgery, the defense of sleeping with children *while under suspicion of child molestation*, the adoration of Peter Pan, the veils he places on his other children in public.
That doesn't make him a pedophile. But he has earned the weirdo title fair and square by his own efforts, just like Farrah Fawcett and Crispin Glover.
Farrah Fawcett is a weirdo?
I'm a terrible person. Because I saw him on the news and talked to the screen and said "Michael, cut your hair and buy a suit. You're a defendant now. That's what defendants DO!"
Who has more crazyhead points?
Dude tommy, where you been?
You must not have The Official Guide To Crazies and Weirdos.
One of the things I look for in an adult is the ability to change behavior so that it is appropriate to the context. Jackson hasn't shown that ability.
Yes, this. I am a freak, by most people's definitions. And I know when things are appropriate and when they aren't.
Farrah Fawcett is a weirdo?
Her last few appearances on talk shows have been bizarrely disconnected from reality. She freaked out Letterman, which takes some doing.
Was she weird back in the '70s? Because I was too young to be paying attention then (although I did know she was married to the Six Million Dollar Man).
You must not have The Official Guide To Crazies and Weirdos.
Wait, maybe I do....
Her last few appearances on talk shows have been bizarrely disconnected from reality. She freaked out Letterman, which takes some doing.
OH yeah, I forgot about that. (Heard about it, didn't see it.)
She wasn't weird
that we know of
back in the 70s. But honestly, it was the 70s. Judgement on almost anything is questionable from the whole decade.
If you weren't weird during the '70s, you had the wrong friends.
Pee Wee Herman was a character. Elton hasn't worn the big glasses in years and didn't he only dress like that on stage? One of our very cutest goths goes to interviews in, albeit toned down, Morticia-meets-Mary Poppins garb and we all find it delightful.
At the height of the peace movement Mom and cohorts had a throwdown over how you dress when you meet with the man. Mom said they should dress conservatively and not draw focus from their position with thier garb. Some of the others were adamant that they should "be themselves". Neither choice as "un-adult."