Okay, that Paris Business Review is funny. Funnier because it invokes accordions and the power of cheese.
one obvious way to avoid that would be ... not letting a camera crew film your life for several weeks.
Right. Among reality-based people, the perp walk does not end with dancing on top of a car for one's fans.
(And can I say, coincidentally, how happy I am that the phrase "perp walk" exists? It is almost as cool as "dirt nap".)
one obvious way to avoid that would be ... not letting a camera crew film your life for several weeks.
Hey, I never said the guy was
My parents (who are weird) tried to convince me that MJ's hosting kids at Neverland just recently was some sort of proof of his innocence. I couldn't convince them it was proof that he didn't know how to work a PR machine. I don't think claims of child abuse make for a good time for defiance.
I couldn't convince them it was proof that he didn't know how to work a PR machine.
Yeah. It was not the smartest PR move to state on-camera that he sleeps with children.
Showing up late for his first court appearance = not so smart either.
My parents (who are weird) tried to convince me that MJ's hosting kids at Neverland just recently was some sort of proof of his innocence. I couldn't convince them it was proof that he didn't know how to work a PR machine. I don't think claims of child abuse make for a good time for defiance.
Well, it means at least some parents/guardians believe him. A friend of a friend's kids used to hang out at Neverland. Said FoF has never believed a word of the allegations.
bad timing police. My lunch just got here adn now I have to go to a meeting. BAH. hmm, I wonder if the meeting people would mind if I bring my lunch.
Well, it means at least some parents/guardians believe him.
No. It only means at least some parents/guardians are willing to let their kids spend time with him at Neverland. Anything else is reading into their motivation, and I don't think anyone posting here has that much insight into these individuals' mindset.
Also, even if it was true, it doesn't make him innocent. It doesn't even acquit him, if they're not on the jury. It's a meaningless act, which draws the eye, and I don't see how it can help his case.
But you and my parents may be more representative of the jury. We'll see.
Competing groundhogs: "Staten Island Chuck is the most famous and the most accurate in the nation. He's been right 21 out of 24 years. So there."
[eta the best part:]
There has been a personnel change up in Michigan, where Mr. Prozac — a llama — has been "acting" groundhog at Windstar Farm, pinch-hitting for Noah John, a one-eyed groundhog who had predicted the weather for dozens of visiting school groups for years.
"Our beloved Noah died in 2002, so Mr. Prozac took his place. But for this year's festivities, we've rented a groundhog for $100 from a nature preserve," handler Mark Harries said. "Mr. Prozac is now on emeritus status."
While I lack the info to make a considered decision about MJ's guilt, it strikes me that refusal to amend very questionable and inappropriate behavior WRT children when under suspicion does not convey an impression of innocence. A normal innocent person would realize how bad things look from the outside and change behavior accordingly.
What I can't tell for sure is if MJ's stubborn refusal to alter his behavior is due to the characteristic delusions of specialness and entitlement that I've read about concerning pedophillia, or if it's just due to him being bugfuck crazy in a more general sense (something for which there has been overabundant evidence over the course of years).
Oh my. Our local "groundhog" is a nutria.
Heh, and 6 more weeks of winter isn't even an option. [link]
I'm a little shocked at the Canadian killer groundhog. But I love the llama.