From the ad, it looks good. Hopefully it'll still look good in person.
What is wrong with the use of hopefully, here?
"Hopefully" is an adverb that means "in a hopeful manner," so it really ought to describe a verb. "Teppy smelled the coffee brewing, and looked hopefully toward the door -- maybe Chatty!co-worker would bring her some."
The way it's used in the sentence above -- which is a common usage -- it really ought to be phrased "I hope," or "I'm hopeful that," etc.
In other news, Punxsutawney Phil says winter won't be over for awhile.
That's because it's still February. Stoopid groundhog.
Are Michael Jackson's children biologically his?
He says they are. (Except the youngest, "Blanket," who I think he's admitted is adopted.) I'm fascinated by the whole mess, but I don't want to start speculating about the ancestry of children I've never seen without masks on.
Are Michael Jackson's children biologically his? I seem to recall them being blonde, which, Debbie Rowe is, but Michael, genetically, NSM.
they could still be blond, even with michael's genes. of course, i wouldn't put it past him to dye their hair.
i wouldn't put it past him to dye their hair.
In the Martin Bashir documentary, doesn't the oldest boy seem to have dark roots and dyed blond hair? I thought the interviewer commented on that.
No shadows to see here. It was rainging AND foggy on my drive to work. And Tchoupatoulis was under water. Not to mention my sidewalk. Bad day to wear heels, shoulda gone with the shrimp boots.
My family is not kissy, we're huggers. My in-laws are not really kissy either, but they do the peck on the cheek greeting that I have had to get used to. I feel a little weird kissing other people's babies, but if I'm holding them it sometimes happens. Usually on the top of the head.
In the Martin Bashir documentary, doesn't the oldest boy seem to have dark roots and dyed blond hair? I thought the interviewer commented on that.
I don't know, I didn't see it. I'm just basing my comment on past behavior
My child has dark roots and dyed blond hair, but I swear he is mine.
I don't want to watch the next few months of the Jackson circus, but I fear only watching everything on edited delay could prevent that. Actually, by the time the state of the union circus finishes tonight I may end up selecting the living under a rock option.
Leonardo DiCaprio has lifetime achievement?
Yep. I need to avoid all news stations if I want to retain my sanity.
I found a nice big rock just the other day Laura. I'm sure there's room, if people want to join me.
My family is not kissy, we're huggers.
My family is very kissy and huggy. Parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, all exchange kisses and hugs. Right on the lips. It wasn't until I was out in the big real world that I found out everyone wasn't like that. My recollection of family friends growing up had the same physical behavior. I was raised in a mostly Italian area if that makes a difference.