I MUST be hormonally charged, because I'm going "ew" at "Butterfly Kisses" but it's still making my eyes all moist. (sorry.)
Smoking in prisons by inmates and guards will become illegal on 1 July 2005.
Ah, just what we need, a bunch of bored, nic-fitting violent felons. But at least they won't get lung cancer!
I shuddder to think what the new form of currency might be.
But at least they won't get lung cancer!
I imagine any smokers on death row are rolling their eyes eternally.
It's Tuesday. There should be Buffy on my TiVo.
I'm going to go sit with Heather, in the perfect world.
Eh, in my actual world there's only Dallas. On the upside, Pam's about to fall out of the barn loft, so I have that.
Well, in the perfect world the last few seasons of Buffy wouldn't have been such huge disappointments, either. Anyway, hi!
Aw. I loved S6. Even more on rewatch. I haven't had a chance to finish 7, but I like Same Time, Same Place even with the creepy monster.
You weren't disappointed with magic is drugs?
I think the rest of the pain made that secondary. As a plot point it bugged, but there was so much other heart rending familiar stuff going on, it had little effect on me.
Remember when, in S2, Angel went all evil? And, we (or most of us) went "Yep. Know that." That's what pretty much all of S6 was like for me.
ETA: Going to watch the TiVo. Not ignoring Alibelle whom I love and adore and would buy lots of pink, princessy things had I the money.