That commercial is hysterical. I can't see any reason to ban it. Duh.
Ok, that's so something I had missed in nearly 30 years, despite hearing many many stories of my dad's mystification at his car being called a cahmengear and various other NE-ese stories. And knowing my dad grew up without Js.
sarameg, your dad grew up without Js. Huh?
Nilly! Are you all better, now?
He grew up in a swedish recent-immigrant community. They don't have Js. He didn't really notice he didn't have most Js until he moved to CA for college. "Yust a minute."
My grandfather was so funny when he learned what they named my brother. "Yoshua? Why are you naming him something I can't say?! Yoshua! "
I also find it very amusing to imagine my dad with a swedish accent.
Heh. And given it's a Hebrew name and I don't think Hebrew had the
sound, Yoshua is not only funny, it's slightly more historically correct. I think it's so funny anyhow, that English used
for the Greek
which was put in for the Hebrew
Y (yod?),
but might be making my own fun, here.
My getting to work earlier lasted only one day, today I could not manage it. I even failed to get breakfast. bah.
I did however remember to dress for the overheated office. I am wearing an outfit I'd normally wear in early fall. Thin poly skirt and jacket, short sleeve shirt and only one pair of tights (through most of the winter I wear 2). I froze on the walk in, but will not be sweating during the day. My guess is I'll be sick with a cold by the end of the week because of the funky temperatures in my environments.
I just opened windows in my apartment. Due to the current heat wave.
Forgetting to include a W-2 for 2002 triggered my audit. The income I reported and the income reported to the IRS didn't match, and the nasty men wanted to talk to me. File an amended return whenever you get the chance (not incredibly urgent). They probably took withholding, so you won't have to pay anything.
Crapity. But an amended return is not a big deal? I can do it when I'm sure I have all my stuff?
Yup, any time up to the 15th.
So annoying! A friend convinced me I wouldn't actually get a W-2 for $135.
Due to the current heat wave.
Unless you are in msbelle's office.
My apartment is always very warm, but today it's unbearable. I figure it's because it's all the way up to freezing today. Oy.
in all sorts of Murphy's Law-iness, today my office heat is mysteriously not on. I am comfortable right now, but fear that by this afternoon I will be chilly. cannot win for losing.