*whimper* Please don't say the name of the dreaded monster... Nobody staged an intervention for me. LEVEL 15 PEOPLE. I NEED HELP.Level 18, Alibelle, with eyes that are almost 38 years old. I get the intervention first, ya hear?
P-C, you're completely wrong headed about Cat Stacking. It *is* like Tetris. What it is not, is *identical* to Tetris. It is like it, in the sense that Tetris and Cat Stacking share certain characteristics. They are both computer games. They both involve positioning falling items, such that when done correctly, they clear off of the playing field. What's more--a player can lose the game, if he or she incorrectly positions the falling items. They do differ from one another in certain ways: Cat Stacking involves falling cats, and these cats fall in pairs, and you can leave one cat on one pile, and let its match fall lower, whereas Tetris involves falling rectangles which are completely inseparable. Furthermore, in Tetris, you can clear off a whole row with one move. This option is not available in Cat Stacking.
Still, they are, to an extent, like one another, for senses of the word like that do not imply the objection in comparison are identical one to the other.
What's an animal model, again?