Are there any easy ways to get gasoline smell off your hands?
Okay, too late for Nonian, but the best thing for gasoline is soap or detergent, or something else that specifically works on oil or grease, like mechanic's hand cleaner.
Water, lemon juice, or baking soda aren't as effective because gasoline doesn't dissolve in them much at all, nor is it affected by the acid in lemon juice or the base in baking soda.
Dressed like a vacationing winter tourist to the Auschwitz memorial thing.
Hi! and, um, what did Cheney do this time?
Went to the Auschwitz memorial service dressed like Eskimo!Willow.
OH DEAR! Please don't let me forget to put my rent check in the mail!
Dude, I did the same thing today. I was like OH FUCK. I got it in before the mail was picked up today, so I hope it gets there in time. Yours too.
Dressed like a vacationing winter tourist to the Auschwitz memorial thing.
Oh, I saw that link. Thanks, sarameg. Or should I call you Sam?
::laughs at own joke::
Whew! I was looking at next month's meeting planner.
Hi! and, um, what did Cheney do this time?
At the Auschwitz memorial ceremony, everyone else had the respect to wear black overcoat, nice shoes, and formal black hat. He had hiking boots, parka, and knit hat. The parka had his name embroidered on it. The knit hat had a logo. Not a major anything, but not really respectful.
So wait, people have to have the check ARRIVE on the first of the month? My deal is either hand deliver (which I do) or it has to be postmarked the day of.
Phbbt, Burrell. I'll warn you, I don't respond to Sam. For a while, not to Sara, either, but that's a different problem.
So wait, people have to have the check ARRIVE on the first of the month?
They never prorated my first month, or anything. So my rent is due the 13th. If I mail it by the 13th, it's a very on the ball month. Usually I mail it around the 15th. Three times in two years I've been called on that -- but I feel no guilt because I once overpaid my rent by $300, and they didn't say a word about it.
Where's UPS? I'm here, dammit, waiting for the cable guy, and I swear the package is to be delivered today. Don't let this drag out until Monday, when I'll not be home so early...