The credit companies will also be advised that they are inactive, and it will look suspicious if you close them. I was advised it was better to leave them open. (that is after I had already closed them!)
I understand why credit companies take into account the amount of unused credit on hand, but I don't understand why it appears suspicious to close an unused account. I mean, it's a perfectly natural thing to do.
ita -- by doctor with the lesson from er, did you mean Carter? Because I agree. Also -- he isn't irritating me the way he has in the past.
And Luka? Particularly hot this week.
did you mean Carter? Because I agree.
Yeah, how dumb was that? Both his final scene, and the scene in the medicine closet. But I also agree -- he's not pushing me to suicide the same way he has been.
Luka is marvellous. I still
want him with Abby, but understand I'm living in dreamland.
Still, they could drop something heavy on
Sam and her son,
and I'd not complain. What do you think of Abby's
Last night, I got an ER-watching friend to try WaT, and she liked it! She was all, "Who is THAT??" Hot Danny Taylor, of course. "What else has he been in??"
You HDT people are
I don't think I covered that adequately before.
You don't think he's H? You should try him as himself -- much slicker and better-looking, I thought.
I love Cincinnati Chili, I just don't consider it actual Chili. It's something else that has taken a name that doesn't belong to it.
HDT is too H. I can't believe man-hoarder ita doesn't see it.
HDT is too H. I can't believe man-hoarder ita doesn't see it.
HDT = High Definition Tom?
Is this all about Scola? Why must you talk in impenetrable codes? I think Ple's been a negative influence.