Kristin, are you going into New York or is he filming elsewhere tonight?
It's not TDS; he's appearing in Hartford for "An Evening with Jon Stewart" tonight. I have bad seats, I mean, REALLY bad seats. I don't care. He sold out the entire Bushnell (decent sized theatre) for two shows. It should be incredible.
Details! We demand details!
I'll post all about it tomorrow.
DW says:
It is better to have the accounts open, than to close them. It looks bad to the creditors if you close a bunch of cards out. As long as they are open and active, they show you with more credit unused (which is a good thing.) The comment about having too much open credit usually means having lots of open Bank cards with balances.
What if they're open and inactive?
1099 INT? Is that the form your bank sends you to say how much interest you earned?
That, and a couple of variations. I get some amalgamated "This replaces 1099-E, 1099-R, and FXPQABC-1-Z for your tax preparation purposes" statement from my credit union.
I also get the form that says how much interest I paid on my student loans in a year, so they usually cancel each other out anyway.
Hmm. Thanks for all the info- I may keep the Best Buy card open, at least as long as the service plan on my iPod is valid, but not use it. I don't have mountains of cards or anything, although more than I'd like. And I try to make a mental note to check my balances online regularly, even for cards that I don't use, to make sure no one is using them.
Well... I paid for a credit analyst through eloans to check my credit monthly and part of what they do is talk about your different accounts, which ones you should pay off, which one you should pay down etc. to improve your credit score. One thing they mentioned, was that it is not wise to close a bunch of accounts if they are inactive. The credit companies will also be advised that they are inactive, and it will look suspicious if you close them. I was advised it was better to leave them open. (that is after I had already closed them!)
I was with Tom at that Jon Stewart show years back – it was truly weird, as I remember him trying to pump up the audience by doing shout-outs to the college and he was confused because most of the audience didn’t care as they weren’t students.
I don’t remember most of the jokes, but there were a great many dirty ones, and I don’t think I have ever laughed so hard in my life.
Also, the guy who opened up for him was embarrassingly terrible.
Hi CAB!! Good to see you here.
Have I mentioned that I get to work at home today, while I wait for the cable guy? (Wednesday's poer outage made my cable connection a little wonky.) I have large amounts of work to do, so I can't goof off (too much), but I get to do it in my jammies.
Today's fortune cookie:
You will always be surrounded by true friends.
And the food coma is arriving right on schedule. Hoo boy.
And the food coma is arriving right on schedule.
Now I really want Chinese.