My tastes according to the quiz are new and old rich. I'm actually middle-middle, and my family are mostly blue-collar with some trailer thrown in.
My neighborhood is
American Dreams
Bohemian Mix
Urban Achievers
Urban Elders
Young Digerati
I mostly see the Bohemian Mix and the Urban Achievers in my neighborhood.
My neighborhood is ita's.
No one got Shotguns and Pickups? I think that's my favorite PRIZM cluster.
I think I tested as Nouveau Riche because I chose what I could afford rather than what I'd like. The budget ain't never going to run to a Corot, and I didn't inherit any.
Whee! I'm off to have the hair colored. No more gray for me! At least for 8 weeks.
The D.A. said today that he would probably seek the death penalty for the suicidal man who left his S.U.V. on a track.
This sounds overzealous to me.
I can give my job title when asked what I do, or mention that I work at a type of place, name our big-name client, or say I'm in IT, but lately I've just been saying, "I'm a digital buttmonkey."
It makes for entertaining double-takes.
16 Bohemian Mix
40 Close-In Couples
07 Money & Brains
31 Urban Achievers
59 Urban Elders
those numbers don't mean anything though, right? I'd need to log in to get the concentration.
Me: I work in environmental publishing.
Listener: [thinks -- Hippy treehugger liberal with no money.*] That's nice.
Me: I do web-work.
Listener: [thinks -- Techno-geek with no off-line friends.] That's nice.
I really prefer gatherings where I'm not assumed to be my job.
*Well, ok, fair cop. But still.
Right, that's just a classification.
I ran the stats for my second to last Michigan address: Executive Suites , Movers & Shakers, Suburban Sprawl, Upper Crust and Young Influentials. Yeah, those were the days.
Of course $1K/month gets you more room in West LA than in Birmingham, MI. Doesn't look as swish, but much nicer to live alone in.
And that was $1K sharing -- I should check and see what $3K can get me here.
Birmingham was like being an Application Architect in content management. Most people just said "Huh?" so I mostly said I lived in Detroit for that year. Except in Aspen -- when I said I lived in Metro Detroit, they asked "Birmingham?" straight off.
Oh, the places you live when shackled to ultra-bougie family.