My decision to give or not give at a particualar time is, I think, based more on what's going on with me internally than with the person's actual needs, which I can't ever know.
With me it mostly depends on how they approach me. (Well, assuming that I'm carrying change.) I'll happily drop a dollar or two in a hat for someone who's sitting unobtrusively along a street with a sign or playing a harmonica or somesuch. But ambushing me when I'm walking to my car with my hands full, or while I'm pumping gas, does not incline me to be generous.
Holy crap -- the Plaza is being totally redone into more stores, condos, and fewer hotel rooms. Who wants to buy me a condo at the Plaza?
Sounds cool, but I'd rather live at the Dakota. I think the vibe would probably be discouraging to couples who want to have young children.
There are three Starbucks that are each less than a block from where I work. There used to be four, but one closed.
A Starbucks somewhere closed? I thought that sort of thing only happened when there was a Love Canal-style evacuation.
The promos for The O.C. lie. "The Episode I've Been Waiting For" does not feature a big gay hookup involving Marissa. Though if Colin Farrell were guest starring there instead of on Scrubs and the big publicity stunt were him and Marissa going on a pub crawl together, I'd probably be eager to watch.
The promos for The O.C. lie. "The Episode I've Been Waiting For" does not feature a big gay hookup involving Marissa.
They've got my number with that one. I'm always waiting for a big gay hookup episode.
There is no Starbucks in my town. We do however have at least four Dunkins, a Tim Hortons, and a couple of independents.
Good (insert timezone appropriate greeting here), everyone.
Someone up thread said that the West Wing blew last night. I'd have to agree, other than Alan Alda. My love for him is unwavering, in everything he does...and he looks like my dad.
Gloomcookie, is your tag from The Breeders' song of the same name?
I suppose it's general enough to be from almost anything....
No worries, Nora. I'm starting to think that it really a much larger issue, now that is real for me, than I was aware of.
All the urban Buffistas are probably going "Dude, check out a calendar!" right now. "This thing is not new!"
I've been pretty much cranky for 2 weeks now.
Maybe you should be using those coffee coupons more, huh?
I'm addicted to chai, which seems to be easily gotten from Starbucks, but I'm exploring other options. However, when flying, it's a small steamed whole milk with half a shot of vanilla before I get on the plane.
That's true about Europe. I realized that in The Netherlands (which I know best since Bro lives there) other countries are like states here in distance, so one sees trucks on the highway from Italy and Belgium and France, rather than Oregon and Vermont, etc. Amd they DO do that in stores.
However, there is always a weird internal judgmentalism we don't get to see. My SiL is Dutch and apparently people from Friesland are considered yokels to the rest of Holland. A Frieslander would get funny looks in an upscale store in Amsterdam, because they would be assumed to be too broke to shop there.
However, when flying, it's a small steamed whole milk with half a shot of vanilla before I get on the plane.
If I hope to sleep, my preferred pre boarding beverage is a double shot vodka tonic.