I stick to my known charities. Not for any moral reason, just to make it less fraught for me. Selfish, but it keeps it simple. And since I'm rarely found with cash....
On my old laptop, this was my background: [link]
This was a nice one too: [link]
Haven't bothered figuring out how to set this one. This is a theme. I don't like messing with computers at all.
I've always figured that if, say, my attorney were doing a lot of blow I'd pay him/her anyway-- even if they're just going to spend it on cocaine.
That said, I don't always give change and its a little random when I do.
Great colors in the Vilankulos pic.
What's the story behind the dhow caption?
Yeah, I'm with you on that Cashmere.
Aw man, then there is this [link] one.
And [link] which is much better printed.
And [link]
Thus ends walk down memory lane.
Getting on the dhow for the slowest boat ride of my life, I slipped and fell and gave myself a HUGE ugly scrape and bruise [link] on the outside of my thigh. It left a dent that you can detect to this day, though it has gotten a lot less noticeable. (it's been 4 years. )
It looks a lot less worse there than it was. It was nuts. I joked it looked like an apparition of the virgin mary, because it was shaped a lot like icons.
I've got a dark, ugly, nasty bruise like that on my leg right now. I knew it was bruised, but I hadn't looked at it. I just caught a glimpse of it in the mirror last night and it freaked me out. Most of my bruises don't show up much.
The worst bruise I've ever seen was a mardi gras injury that my roommate had. Things they didn't tell you: spilled king cake and wood stairs = hazardous.
My mother once had a bruise that covered the entire back of her thigh and was navy/black/purple. Ugggh. Waterskiing mishap.
(it's been 4 years. )
NO. Really?? Good lord.
I had annoying transit things BOTH WAYS tonight. Over an hour, each way. It's a 35 minute trip.