I think people getting caught out is hilarious.I also think it's funny that Boyd Crowder sometimes talks like Ashley Wilkes. If Ashley Wilkes was a street-preaching bank-robbing explosives freak. Ok, Cliff's notes..Ava and Raylan finished off season 2 shot. They...got together while he was supposed to be protecting her till she testified.(Worst idea ever, though a staple of the genre.) She also shot her abusive husband Bowman with her twelve-gauge while he was sitting at the dinner table. Bowman is Boyd's brother, but he still has a crazy crush on her anyway...in fact, the fact she's lethal might be what Boyd likes, but she's had the hots for Raylan since she filled out a training bra( So much happens on Justified, I don't remember if Bowman is what Ava testifies about.) Boyd love/hates Raylan because they grew up together, in despised families but Raylan chose law and Boyd chose...not. Or more correctly, Boyd went in the family business. They both mined coal and faced down strikebreakers for a short time. They are sort of like the sheepdog and the wolf in the cartoons, but I don't think there's much Sheepdog/Wolf out there.
Buffista Fic 2: They Said It Couldn't Be Done.
[NAFDA] Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
Something else funny...all my lj notifications get sent to gmail, who does the targeted ads...that story prompted gmail to send me modified-shower ads.
I don't think there's much Sheepdog/Wolf out there.
Thanks for the mental image. It makes you almost deserve the modified shower ads.
And now I kind of want to write ... no. No, no, no. Get out. Get Out! GET OUT! of my brain. There will be no Looney Toons fic.
well, there probably is...what am I saying? It's fandom. Still a smaller group than Raylan/Boyd.
Riffing off of Erika's casual remark about Raylan (in another thread) that "Death is his gift".
Justified does not map well (IMO) onto Buffy though xvers like Erika's work well. But if we force the mapping, making Raylan Buffy, then Ava/Boyd are Spike/Drusilla. And yes Ava is Spike and Boyd is Drusilla. Because Boyd has the really deep crazy all the way down. Does not map well. Boyd makes better plans than just about any character on Buffy or Angel ever did. Whereas Drusilla was never a planner at all, and Spike learned bad planning in the Angel school of bad planning. But as good as a Justified/Buffy mapping gets.
And he is way more interconnected with them(and I swear I don't mean porn, though, dear Lord, the three-ways that are out there) than Buffy was with Spike during his time with Dru. Sometimes Boyd might be like chipped!Spike though, if you're heathen enough to accept someone being chipped by the Lord. Which doesn't bother me at all to say, personally. And there's always "It's because you didn't have a strong father figure, isn't it?"(Although I get the feeling none of those people did.) And he is like Spike in that having Ava blow his brother away after feeding him all his favorites only added to what I'd bet a million dollars he'd call his ardor for her. But, yeah, Boyd schemes, he bides his time, he makes himself essential to Ava in her recovery instead of sniffing her sweaters. Art could be Giles, though, that'd be awesome.I'm still sorry I didn't write the episode with the chase of the old guy and the oxygen tank. Man, that was beautiful..."You sure your ticker's up for all that?" ETA: and it's okay, Gar, if you thought the crossovers didn't work, as long as you were not all "What a shameful waste of time!1" about it. I mean, it's a diversion, most of all.
I think the actor that played Devil is one of the brothers in "Family" so I guess the Southern connection isn't *all that* coded after all.
I think the xovers work fine. Raylan interacting with Buffy is different than Raylan being Buffy. I don't think a Buffy/Justified fusion would work, but that is a different thing.
It wouldn't track, no. Although *Raylan* seems at times to feel dynastic about his work, or at least, like a link in the Wyatt Earp-type marshal chain, I don't know that anybody else believes it to be true. I think Art wishes he would take a pill and lie down when he gets urges in that direction.
You didn't think Raylan would go this long without getting investigated, did you?
Detective Rachel Brooks was driving to the Walsh crime scene and asked her partner "Do you really think that was an accident, Tim?"
"Fuck if I know," Tim Gutterson replied. He'd been on the Sunnydale police force longer and lost an ability to be shocked.
"Well, thank you...that was incredibly helpful. I hope I have your insight after years on the job."
"Rachel, be reasonable. This case is absolutely a no-win for us. It's on a super-secret government installation...they're probably emptying out half of Quantico right now so the Fibbies can take the credit for all of our hard work. Should we do any, that is."
" It does sound like a job for Agent Mulder," Rachel pointed out. "Imagine that, eaten by a demon." She shuddered.
"I heard it was demons, plural. I think we're just lucky they left enough to identify."
"Just her hands and an ID badge. Which I know thanks to Monique at the crime lab so don't say anything.",
"See, I told you you'd like her."
"Yeah...we've been out a couple times."
"I'm happy for you. I really am. If it was really a demon, then why are we out on this? Why not, like, Animal Control?"
"You know, a man could get a whiplash from you changing subjects so fast."
"Sorry. And what happens to the demon?"
Tim was amused. "You feel sorry for the demon?"
"No, not really. They're disgusting, but if they can't help it..."
“ I don’t know…it’s not our problem, anyway.”,
“So, what do you think about the witness?”
“Givens? Seems like he shits red, white, and blue. He’s so upright it kind of makes me suspicious.”
“But you’re not judging…”
“Hey, you asked!”
“Maybe I should take this one…make sure this guy gets a fair shake.”
“You’re officially Good Cop, Detective Brooks. Congratulations. I have one question, though. What was that doctor chick…”
“You mean the late Dr. Walsh, right?”
“Yeah. What was she doing inspecting security pods when she had a whole raft of G.I. Joe types to do it for her?”
“Control freak,” Rachel Brooks said, one eyebrow raised. “Likes to see all the I’s dotted and the t’s crossed. Like someone else I know.”
“Let’s get off of me and onto Givens,okay?”
But as they pulled onto the Initiative grounds, both jeeps full of youthful commandos and what looked like FBI vehicles swarmed the area and waved Rachel off. “Ma’am,” one of the commandos, a guy so young, he still had a festering pimple on his forehead.”You can’t be here.”
For a moment she had a crazy urge to tell him that a crushed aspirin on his face would fix the pimple right up, but she was quickly joined by a tall drink of water in a cowboy hat who waved her over.”Just so we’re on the record,” Rachel said, briskly.
“I’ve got nothing to hide,”
Rachel liked to start out confirming the basics. It generally made witnesses more secure, gave them time to talk too much and screw up. Tim thought that part was boring and unnecessary, but he and Crime Lab Monique had had way too much to drink at a tapas place the night before, so he wasn’t sure if he was speaking from professional judgment or hangover.
“Name?” Rachel asked.
“Raylan Francis Givens…where you from, darlin? I feel I can almost sense it on the tip of my tongue.”,
“Memphis, Tennessee. Now, tell your tongue to mind its own business.”
“I’m sorry… I expect I’m just a little nervous.”
“I don’t doubt it. Losing your commanding officer in…such a fashion.” Raylan could see, despite Brooks’ dark coloring, that she was almost pale.Demons really freaked her out.
“Yeah…mighty big shoes to fill. Mighty big shoes.”
“Some of the men on your floor report that you had words with Dr. Walsh on the night she was killed.” If she was looking for a major reaction, she didn’t get it. Just the same old Mayberry shucks, oh, golly, oh, gee, (continued...)