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Willow ,'Showtime'
[NAFDA] Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.
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So, I'm not quite sure I'm clear on "fusion." Is it a crossover? Are we going to be seeing characters from a different story (looks like maybe PotC, here, eventually?)Or just plopping the characters into an AU situation? Fusion seems an unnecessarily high-falutin' term for something that already exists.
They're all very much in character, but somehow I'm missing the feeling of the speech vernacualr found in Firefly. Of course, if this is 18th century Caribbean days, they wouldn't be speaking like that. My brain is just slightly confused at this point. But, I am enjoying this! Do not think this is a complaint or a criticism. I'm just kinda rolling the flavor of the story around in my head and speaking out loud.
A fusion is taking characters from one universe and putting them in another universe, where they always existed. So the Firefly people have always lived in the 18th century -- they're not somehow displaced there.
It's a type of AU, basically. AU is such a broad term that it doesn't always convey specific information about the type of story.
Aha, got it.
Yeah - I'd never heard of it before. Rheanna handily linked me to trinityofone's rather lovely SGA/HDM fusion Daemonology, and I went: "Aha!"
(I could probably use this story for the Historical AU square on my bingo card, either, but I do plan to include magical elements, and some things & characters specifically taken from the PotC 'verse. Plus, PotC isn't actually set at any specific date - it's all wibblywobbly timeywimey contradictionpants anachronisms, so I'm going with that. Although if I decide to write Captain Jack Sparrow and co in the Firefly 'verse [which is also very tempting] then I WILL stick this on the Historical AU square, and the hell with it)
Captain Jack Sparrow and co in the Firefly 'verse
I read this as Captain Jack Harkness in the Firefly 'verse and my brain went 'splodey. Then I looked again and realized that noway, nohow was Humpty ever being put back together again.
See, you could put Captain Jack Harkness in the Firefly 'verse easily. No reason for it not to be the same 'verse that Doctor Who & Jack inhabit. Jack Sparrow, otoh - that has to be a Fusion.
Eh, maybe I'll just slot this into Historical AU, so I can put Jack Sparrow in the Firefly 'verse. I'd love to see him interacting with River...
Anyway, on with this current project:
* * *
Their potential passenger is standing on the dock, looking nervously at Badger's flunkies, and casting languishing glances at the mountain of baggage that is, Mal assumes, his own.
“That's a fair bit of cargo you got there, friend,” says Mal, eyeing the trunks thoughtfully. “Master Frye tells me you're eager to buy passage with us on 'Serenity'. Is that right?”
“That's correct, Captain,” says the man, standing up very straight. He extends his hand. “Dr Tam, sir. Dr Simon Tam. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
Mal's hand is still a little sticky from all the orange pulp, but he extends it anyway. “How do you do, Doctor?” he says. “So, where is it that you're hoping we might take you?”
An expression flickers over the doctor's face that looks a little too much like guilt for Mal Reynolds' liking. “Oh, well, is that so very important?” he asks, trying to smile. Mal blinks.
“Yes,” he says, his eyebrows lifting up towards his hairline. “It kind of sort of is. You do have a destination in mind, I take it?”
Tam swallows. “It's – complicated,” he says.
“Complicated,” echoes Mal, looking up at the clouds as if imploring them for patience. “Well, that's nice. It was – interesting, meeting with you, Doctor. But I'm a busy man. Good luck with buying passage on one of the other ships docked hereabouts. Some of them ain't as fussy as I am.” He turns on his heel and is about to step onto the gangplank when Tam names a figure so outrageously beyond anything it might have occurred to Mal to demand, that he freezes in place.
There is a pause, and then Mal turns around and stares at the Doctor in utter bafflement.
“You could buy a ship for that kind of money,” he says. “You aren't serious.”
“I'm perfectly serious,” says Tam, and he seems a little more self-possessed now that he's got Mal's attention. “Half of it now, half of it – afterwards.”
Even half of such a sum is still a treasure trove, and entirely ridiculous. “After what?”
Dr Tam licks his lips. “It's a personal matter,” he says, awkwardly, glancing over his shoulder in a way that tells Mal rather a lot. “Can we – please, can we discuss this in private?”
Mal shrugs. “Fine by me.” He steps back onto the gangplank. Tam doesn't follow him, though, and when Mal turns a quizzical gaze on him the doctor looks helplessly at the trunks.
“I need my things,” he says. “I really – I can't get on board without them. I need my things with me. Please.”
Mal stares at him, trying to weigh him up, and then sighs. “Fine. JAYNE!”
* * *
“My Quartermaster, Mistress Zoe,” says Mal, a little later, when Tam's goods are stowed and they are safely ensconced in the Captain's cabin. The doctor looks quite startled, but after a beat he makes Zoe's lips twitch in amusement when he bows low to kiss her hand just as graciously as if she were a fine lady in a ballroom. “Ain't no call for that, Doctor,” says Mal, his brows coming together. “We don't stand on much ceremony aboard 'Serenity'.”
“No, really, Cap'n, I think we should introduce a little more ceremony,” says Zoe, gravely.
“You offering to start curtseying at me, woman? I'd love to see you curtsey. We could get you some skirts and all, for the full effect.” Mal nods to himself, a faraway look in his eyes. “And petticoats. Lots of petticoats.”
“Ah. Perhaps not.”
“That's what I thought.” Tam looks from one to the other with a slightly lost expression, and Mal returns to the matter at hand. Master Frye wasn't wrong, Mal reflects: the young doctor is very decorative, as well as having ridiculously good manners. And being so wet behind the ears that he (continued...)
( continues...) might as well have been keel-hauled and just lifted up dripping out of the sea. “Go on, then. Explain why your destination is so secret, Dr Tam.”
“It's not secret, precisely,” says the doctor, awkwardly. “It's just – um. Oh dear. This is going to be rather difficult to explain.”
“Try,” says Mal.
“I don't suppose – you wouldn't happen to believe in, ah, in magic, would you?” He doesn't sound terribly optimistic.
Mal and Zoe exchange glances. “Keep talking, son,” Mal says, and the doctor's eyes widen in sudden hope.
“I've had – I've had some very, ah, interesting experiences lately. I never paid any attention to old wives' tales before, always thought it was nonsense fit for children, but – well. Suffice it to say that I know better now. And, ah, where I'm going – well, I don't know precisely where it is, I'm afraid. But I've got this compass, and it points to where I need to be. So – I don't know the name of my destination, but I know how to get there.” He's trying to sound dignified, and he almost succeeds. Mostly, though, he sounds very young, to Mal's ears.
“You really a doctor, son?” Mal asks.
Tam blinks. “Yes,” he says, looking slightly startled. “Yes, I really am.” He stands a little straighter. “I have been a practicing physician for five years.” He watches Mal's eyes widen, and a look of incredulity spread over his face as he does the maths. “I was a very precocious youngster,” he says, stiffly, and Mal believes him.
“I've got news for you, friend: you're still a very precocious youngster.” He exchanges another glance with Zoe. “So – you going to show us this compass of yours?”
Tam looks astonished. “You believe me? But – my story is completely ridiculous,” he says. “I wouldn't believe me!”
“We've had some – ah – uncanny experiences of our own, Doctor,” says Zoe kindly.
“Some time I might actually explain to you how come I'm no longer a Commodore in His Majesty's navy,” says Mal, with a tight smile. “Possibly. After a very large amount of rum. Let's just say that this is not the strangest thing we've heard or seen, Doctor, and leave it at that.”
“Oh.” Tam blinks. “Well – well, I suppose that's why it picked out this vessel, out of all of them,” he says.
“Come again?”
“The compass,” says Tam, fumbling in his pocket and withdrawing a little box. He opens it up and shows them a compass chiefly remarkable for the lack of any directions. “It points you to your heart's desire. Whatever you want most in all the world.” The needle is presently pointing out to sea, but it isn't pointing North.
“May I?” Mal asks, and after hesitating for an instant, Tam hands it over. The needle trambles, and then swings around to point firmly back towards town. Mal swallows, and shoves the compass back at the doctor. “Must be busted,” he says, glancing at Zoe and then away again.
“She likes you, you know,” says Zoe.
“I don't have any idea what you're talking about.”
“She likes you a lot.”
“Shut up.”
“I'm just saying. Seems to me that the feeling's mutual.”
“I don't go with whores,” snaps Mal, and there's a surprising amount of violence in his voice. The temperature in the room drops quite suddenly, and Tam becomes fascinated with the maps on the wall.
Zoe's eyes narrow. “And there I was thinking that you'd come to understand a little bit about how the world works, since your own fall from grace” she says softly. Mal scowls at her. “Not everybody has the choices in life that you've had, Captain. Commodore. We've all got to get by as best we can.”
“Zoe, I do not wish to discuss this. Is that clear?”
“As crystal, Captain,” says Zoe. “If you don't have any further need of my services, I'll be off to check that the Boatswain managed to get all the supplies we need.” She's polite as can be, but there's still a wealth of disapproval expressed in her eyes and in the set of her shoulders.
“Then go,” snaps Mal, and she does.
“Um,” says Tam, fiddling with his compass and looking distinctly embarrassed. “So – you'll take me where I'm going, (continued...)