River: I didn't think you'd come for me. Simon: Well, you're a dummy.


Buffista Fic 2: They Said It Couldn't Be Done.

[NAFDA] Where the Buffistas let their fanfic creative juices flow. May contain erotica.

chrismg - Sep 15, 2014 3:26:35 pm PDT #1014 of 1103
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

( continues...) Someone discreet, if you please."

A woman in the green livery bowed and headed out the side door. Emma took a moment to study the two children. Jan was still frowning at his father suspiciously. He glanced briefly at Emma, then away again. Illyana had sat back down, but she was staring at Emma and Regina eagerly.

After a moment, Mistral came back with a younger woman following. The King gestured expansively. "Gretchen will take you to your suite, and you can rest and freshen up before dinner. I, ah, " he studied them and smiled slightly, "believe we can provide suitable garb for you as well."

Regina bowed from the neck again. "By your leave, Your Majesty." He gestured carelessly and she walked over to the maid with Emma trailing behind. "If you please, Gretchen."

The girl gave a deep curtsey. "If you'll follow me, miladies," she said tonelessly, and led them out the door.

  • **

The guest suite was made up of two comfortable-looking bedrooms and a sitting room joining them. Out the window, they could see the sunset glow behind the mountains. Gretchen said, still with no inflection, "They should send your garments for the dinner soon. Please have the guard call me if you need anything," and left them with another brief curtsey. Before she closed the door, Emma spotted a tall, armored figure with some kind of polearm standing outside.

She frowned at the door. "She sure wasn't turning on the charm for the King's guests...and did you see that guy outside the-"

"Shh." Emma glanced over, and saw Regina concentrating on something in her hands. After a moment, she felt a shiver of magic, and a soft rushing, hissing sound filled the room.

Emma raised her eyebrows. "A white-noise spell? Is that even a thing?"

"Would you rather depend on whether this suite has taps we can run?" Emma just shrugged. "In any case, this should keep what we say private, as long as we don't shout." She shot Emma a pointed look, then went on. "It should also disrupt most scrying spells."

"Neat. So, what are we saying that needs privacy?"

Regina paused, then said quietly, "What's your... special evaluation of what the King said?"

Emma hesitated, but it wasn't like she didn't know what Regina meant. "He was lying," she said flatly. "I mean, not about the kids' names, but just about everything else he said after we mentioned Elsa was a lie, or a half-truth, or actually meant something different from what it sounded."

Regina nodded slowly. "To me, he looked like someone hearing about a threat he'd thought long-since taken care-"

There was a sharp RAP RAP RAP of knuckles on wood. Emma jumped, and Regina flicked her wrist, the noise vanishing.

"Our clothes here already?" Emma wondered out loud as she headed for the suite door, then stopped abruptly as the rapping sounded again. It was clearly not coming from the door in front of her.

"The heck?" She glanced back as the sound came a third time. "Regina?"

"In here, I think." Regina strode into one of the bedrooms. Emma followed, and found her peering into the closet. The rapping came again, and Regina reached in and knocked on the back wall. There was a definite echo.

After a moment, the back panel opened slightly with a click. Emma reached out and pulled sharply. The door opened easily, dumping a figure in green and brown onto the floor of the closet. Emma blinked. Is that...?

"Your Highness," Regina said with some amusement.

Prince Jan got up to his hands and knees, but kept his eyes on the floor. "Er, are you decent?" he asked uncertainly.

Emma snorted. "We haven't started taking off our clothes and letting down our guard yet, no."

"Good." He scrambled to his feet and looked at them urgently. "You need to leave at once. Your lives are in danger every moment you're in this castle."

Emma eyed him for a moment, then glanced at Regina, who raised an eyebrow as Emma looked at her. She flicked a look at Jan a moment, then back. Emma nodded once. Yeah, that was the (continued...)

chrismg - Sep 15, 2014 3:26:35 pm PDT #1015 of 1103
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

( continues...) truth.

Regina pinned Jan with a look. "I take it your father isn't pleased at the possibility Queen Elsa might return."

He nodded sharply. "He can't bear the thought of something threatening his rule. If he thinks you can bring the true Queen back, he'll kill you, and anyone you might have talked to about it!"

" Anyone? " Emma gave him a skeptical look. "And I suppose we have to take your word for this?"

He shook his head, and gestured towards the door in the closet. "No, you don't. I can show you."


WindSparrow - Sep 15, 2014 8:56:52 pm PDT #1016 of 1103
Love is stronger than death and harder than sorrow. Those who practice it are fierce like the light of stars traveling eons to pierce the night.

Whoa, good stuff, chrismg!

chrismg - Sep 20, 2014 2:36:23 pm PDT #1017 of 1103
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

It's Already Here

Chapter 5

Jan led them through a maze of twisty passages, some up against the outer shell of the manor, others fit tightly between the interior walls; in places they had to turn sideways to slip through. After a few minutes he paused and looked back at them.

"There's a stair downward here, so watch your step," he said quietly. "When we reach the bottom, we'll be right outside Father's office, so," he touched a finger to his lips.

Emma nodded, and watched as he turned away. There was just enough light filtering through the walls to see his head moving away and slowly sinking. Regina's dark hair gleamed faintly as she followed, and Emma carefully felt for the top of the stair with her foot and went after.

After a dozen steps down or so they came to another passage, with light gleaming faintly through a set of peep-holes low in one wall. Jan moved down until they reached three holes close together, and motioned for them to look.

After a moment, Emma realized they were somewhere near the top of the room, looking down on the people below. She recognized the King, and after a moment she realized the conversation in the room was faintly audible.

"...nothing at all?" the King was saying.

"I'm afraid not, your Majesty," said the person standing in front of the desk; a noble of some sort, by his clothes. "Lord Adelbyrne and I were discussing how to divide the timber rights, and we quite missed whatever news those women brought." He paused. "Was it important, Sire?"

The King smiled easily. "Just something that needs to be handled with delicacy." He nodded at the door. "I still need to talk to a few people tonight, so I won't keep you."

The noble bowed. "Of course, Sire." He headed out of the room, nodding as a man Emma hadn't noticed opened the door for him.

The man at the door waited for him to pass, then called, "Lord Hogthan," into the outer room in a raspy voice. He had a shaved scalp and a scraggly-looking beard, and altogether looked much more disreputable than Emma thought a palace servant usually did. I wonder.....

Another man entered, presumably Lord Hogthan. He seemed shorter than the previous man, although it was hard to tell at this angle, and his hair was noticeably thicker and curlier. Scraggly Beard shut the door behind him and took up a casual pose next to it.

The King looked him over casually. "So, Hogthan. What did you think of the news our two visitors brought us?" Emma could feel Regina stiffen next to her.

"I think it's quite extraordinary," Hogthan said excitedly. "In spite of, ah, the circumstances of her leaving, Queen Elsa was quite admired by many, and the stories about her have only grown over the years."

The King gave him a hooded look that somehow reminded Emma of a cat. "The stories about the wicked sorceress who cursed our land, you mean?"

"Oh, no- Well, I mean, yes, those too. But there are some stories that say she left to serve some greater purpose, and that she'll return in Arendelle's time of greatest need." He blinked somewhat wetly.

"Hmmmmm." The King stood and walked partway around the desk, leaning against it and folding his arms. "And when would you say, "Arendelle's time of greatest need" is, exactly?"

"Err...I don't-"

"Because every year more farmers abandon their plots. Every year, the shantytown outside the walls grows. Every year," he clenched his fists, "my brothers turn the screws on us just a little bit more for the loans we've had to take." He stood up straight and glared at Hogthan. " Now is Arendelle's time of greatest need, and it's much too critical a moment to have people distracted by airy-fairy stories of a mythical savior." Emma bit down on her tongue.

"Er..." Hogthan looked rather pale, but he gathered himself to reply. "Doesn't it seem like every day is a critical moment, hereabouts?"

The King gave him an icy look. "Until we find a way to clear Elsa's curse from the land, it is." He walked over to Hogthan and stared down at him. "And (continued...)

chrismg - Sep 20, 2014 2:36:24 pm PDT #1018 of 1103
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

( continues...) all I require from you, Lord Hogthan, is your discretion. If I have that, you can rest easy. If not...."

Scraggly Beard suddenly spoke up, "Lovely fellow your son's growing into. Like to ride in the woods, dun't he?" Hogthan jumped and looked around at him in alarm.

"Enough, Oltorf." The King paused, and his voice dropped to a purr. "Lord Hogthan?"

Hogthan stared at him a moment, then shivered all over. "You....may rely on my silence, your Majesty."

The King considered him a moment, then gestured at the door. "Excellent," he said as Oltorf swung it open. Hogthan plodded out of the room, flinching as he passed through. After a moment, a woman walked through carrying a parchment scroll. Oltorf swung the door closed and locked it behind her, then ambled towards the desk in her wake.

"Mistral. Excellent." The King sat back down and considered the parchment. "What do your ears tell you?"

"Not much, your Majesty. Sailors talk, but it's only been a few hours since they came into port. I can tell you there's no mention of Queen Elsa in what I've heard so far."

"Well, that's good news, at least." He reached for a pen and signed the scroll with a flourish, then sanded it and looked up at Mistral. "Anything about our guests?"

"Yes, actually. I've had reports from two different sources that say there are sailors telling tales of the powerful witches who saved their ship, and blew away a storm with a wave of their hands."

"Hmm." The King shook out the parchment, then rolled it up and reached for a candle. "Tales grow with the telling, but best not to take chances. As Oltorf likes to point out, good help is hard to replace." He sealed the scroll with wax, then stamped it with his signet and handed it to the other man. "That should take care of the ship. Once we've got the crew in our custody, it'll be easy to convince them to leave quietly. Or, of course, to have an unfortunate accident."

Oltorf smirked and tucked the scroll into his jerkin. "I'll head straight to the barracks, then. What should we plan for the ladies? Like you said..."

"Hmmm." There was a pause while the three of them considered. The hair on the back of Emma's neck went up. "Poison in the food would be too risky, I think...."

"Oh!" Mistral actually smiled and clapped her hands. "Poison dresses! I've always wanted to make one of those. Oh, but it'll be two of them, I guess...."

The King looked thoughtful. "Might be trouble if one of them starts foaming at the mouth while the other's still feeling fine. Maybe....something to help them sleep?" He glanced at Oltorf significantly. "Sleep through anything ?"

Oltorf laughed, and Emma jumped slightly as she felt a touch on her shoulder. She looked up to see Regina pointing further down the passage. Emma carefully straightened, then crept carefully down the hall after the other two.

Jan stopped at a small intersection with enough light filtering through they could see each others faces. He glanced at them uncertainly.

"Well, I've heard enough." Regina raised an eyebrow at Emma, who just nodded, not trusting her voice yet. "Prince, how soon can you be packed to go?"

He looked startled. "You'll...take me with you?"

"I assume you have some idea where your mother is?" Off his startled look, she went on, "Someone always knows where the runaway probably went." Emma snorted, then grinned at Regina's sharp look.

Jan stared at her a moment, then smiled widely. "Actually," he reached up and pulled something off one of the overhead beams; Emma realized it was a pair of saddlebags. "I was hoping you'd agree to take me. Come on, we can reach the outer stables and be off into the mountains before anyone checks your room." He started to turn away.

"Whoa, whoa!" Emma grabbed his coat. "We can't just run off, we have to warn Captain Klaus and his crew!"

Jan stared at her. "It's too late. The soldiers are already between us and the docks."

Regina shook her head. "No, she's right. It'll be faster to travel (continued...)

chrismg - Sep 20, 2014 2:36:24 pm PDT #1019 of 1103
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

( continues...) by ship, anyway. Take my hands." She reached out.

"What?" Jan looked at her blankly.

Emma winced as she took her hand. "Do it, Prince. And you better brace yourself, too."

Jan stared between them for a moment, then hesitantly took Regina's other hand. She smiled grimly. "Here we go."

Darkness flowed out and swallowed them all.

  • **

Emma felt her boots hit a wooden floor moments before her sight cleared to show them standing on the deck of the Summer Wind. Jan stared about wildly for a moment, then jumped up onto the railing and looked about, then stared towards the castle.

From the upper deck, a sailor gaped down at them. Emma gave him a wide smile before turning back to Jan. "See anything?"

He jumped down and rubbed the side of his face. "The gate is open. There's probably already soldiers on their way."

"Good enough for me." Regina hauled herself upright from where she'd been leaning on the rigging, strode over to the captain's cabin, and began hammering on the door. "Captain Klaus! You're in danger every moment you stay here, and so are all the rest of us! Captain Klaus!"

Emma glanced around as the crew began looking around, or sitting up from where they'd been sleeping. Well, as long as it means we get underway faster....!

There was a thumping from inside the cabin, followed by muffled swearing and finally by Klaus himself, still in his nightshirt and gaping at Regina. "What th'blazes are you doing here at-"

Regina bulled right over him. "We brought the King some news he didn't want to hear, and now he's determined to kill us, and anyone we might have talked to." He stared at her until she went on, "Which includes you and all your crew. So you might want to start preparing to escape." She gave him a wintry smile.

Klaus ran a hand through his hair and took a breath. "Are ye mad, woman? Arendelle depends on the sea trade, if they start killing sailors willy-nilly, they'll-"

Jan interrupted from where he stood by the rail, "I can hear them, they've reached the waterfront." He strode over to the Captain and looked up at him. "My father," he held up a hand, an Arendelle signet gleamed on one finger, "will not allow anything to threaten his rule, even if he has to deal with any consequences later."

Klaus gaped at him, then turned back to Regina. "We are not dealing," she snapped, "with someone calculating the pros and cons of the situation, we are dealing with someone whose rule has gone unchallenged for decades and is panicking."

Emma heroically refrained from commenting that Regina spoke from experience, then swung around as she heard heavy boots on wood. A voice floated down from the mainmast, "Soldiers on the dock!"

A dozen men or more in green uniforms stood a few yards from the side of the ship. One of them stepped forward and called out, "Sailors! Run out your gangplank in the name of the King!"

Klaus stared, baffled. He raised his arm and started to give a command, but Jan grabbed his sleeve. "If you let them on board, you're signing your death warrant."

"Now that we're here, they probably won''t even bother arresting you," Regina added coolly. "Just drag the Prince back home, kill everyone else, and burn the the ship to the ground." She paused. "Er, water."

The Captain hesitated a moment more, then jumped as the lookout's voice called, "Boarders!"

Emma dashed to the side of the ship, then yelped and ducked as an arrow sliced past her head. Behind her she heard a sailor yell in wordless pain. "Regina!"

A familiar roar and a flash of heat washed over her, and seconds later a ball of fire burst amidst the soldiers on the docks. There were yells of dismay and splashes as a few men fell or jumped into the water, and Emma thought she saw at least one burning bow follow them. A second later a green-sleeved hand grabbed the rail in front of her from below.

Emma didn't hesitate; she jumped back a step and charged, slamming her shoulder into the man climbing over the rail. He staggered and (continued...)

chrismg - Sep 20, 2014 2:36:25 pm PDT #1020 of 1103
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

( continues...) grabbed for her, then lost his balance and tumbled back, with a shout of fear ending in a splash from below.

Behind her she heard Captain Klaus cursing, then the ship's bell ringing louder than she'd ever heard it. "GENERAL QUARTERS! GENERAL QUARTERS! Get those hawsers cut and get us under sail!"

The next man coming over the rail lashed at Emma with a naked sword. She jumped back again and managed to draw her own sword. For a moment they flailed at each other, neither making any headway, then suddenly a pulley swung down and smashed the boarder in the head, knocking him off the ship.

Emma decided to leave the fighting to the sailors and swung at the ropes instead. She severed one and then a second in quick succession, then staggered as the deck suddenly lurched under her feet. A quick glance showed Boudain standing by the last rope, the cut end just sliding off his sword.

Emma sheathed her sword and headed over to Regina. Jan was scowling at her. "The sea gate is closed at night," he snapped. "I hope-"

"I'll take care of it," she bit out, and vanished in a rush of dark mist.

Jan stared, then blinked at Emma. "Can she really...?"

Emma sighed. "I wouldn't bet against her, although I wish she hadn't gone alone." She peered ahead. There was a flash of fire atop the seawall, and a man's voice shouting in fear, followed by a splash. "It only takes one lucky shot to-"

" Boarders aft!" The lookout's voice called out again.

"Man, I'm starting to see why they keep someone up there all the time." Emma dashed up the stairs to the aft deck, then slowed as she tried to see what was happening. She reached the rail, and realized the shapes sprouting from it were grapnels, hooked onto the ship. She drew her sword in time to cut the rope trailing from the nearest one, and spotted a pair of sailors yanking a second free and hurling it and the man climbing it overboard. A pair of splashes sounded from behind the ship as the remaining two boarders swung onto the deck.

As Emma swung around to face the nearest one, Jan popped up from behind and jabbed a finger forward. "Halt, in the name of the King!" The man gaped until Emma smashed Zauberflotte's hilt into his face, knocking him over the side. She looked over just as the last boarder took a fireball to the chest and fell, burning, into the sea.

"The gate's open." Regina regarded them with amusement. "Did you have any trouble?"

Emma sheathed her sword again and took a breath. "Nothing we couldn't handle, Your Majesty."

Regina smirked and opened her mouth, then snapped her head around and stared behind them. "What is that?"

The lookout's voice came again, "Ice aft!"

Ice? Emma stared back towards the docks, through the darkness. They'd made considerable distance, but a silvery sheen was spreading over the water, racing towards them. What the Hell!? At the end of the wharf, she could just make out a pair of figures. One, tall and in white, might be the King. The other, slighter and in sea-green, looked like-

"Illyana," Jan said flatly. "She has...." His voice wavered, then grew resigned. "...she has the magic."

Emma stared at him. "And, what, you just forgot to mention this?"

He scowled. "I didn't think he'd bring her down her and have her-" He broke off at another burst of heat next to them. Emma whirled around.

" Hey!" She stared at the fireball arcing towards the docks. "Regina, she's just a-"

"If that ice catches the ship, the absolute best we can hope for is a much bloodier escape." Her voice was flat and angry. "Besides, if she's anywhere near as powerful as-" She broke off a silvery blast shot up from the dock; it engulfed the fireball and snuffed it out. "There."

Emma peered aft. It looked like the ice was slowly falling behind them, no longer spreading. "Oh, okay. So if she's busy with the rain of fire, she can't concentrate on catching us."

"Just so." Regina launched another fireball in a high arc. Emma squinted. It was hard to tell, (continued...)

chrismg - Sep 20, 2014 2:36:25 pm PDT #1021 of 1103
"...and then Legolas and the Hulk destroy the entire Greek army." - Penny Arcade

( continues...) but she thought she could see the King retreating back up the stairs, but the other-

"She's chasing us." Jan's voice was flat and tired. Emma stared at him, then looked back and realized she could see the green-dressed figure hurtling towards them over the ice. The leading edge began moving towards the ship again.

"Is she... skating towards us?"

"She doesn't need to. She can move over ice and snow like-" He gestured vaguely. Another fireball streaked towards their pursuer; this time she snuffed it out without even slowing.

"Hmm." Regina peered towards the front of the ship; they were almost to the sea gate. "She learns quickly. I'll have to surprise her." She gathered both hands in front of her and generated a much larger ball. Then she waited.

".....uh, Regina?"

"Hush. The timing needs to be almost perfect...." She waited a moment longer, then threw it almost straight up, drawing startled yelps from the sailors in the rigging. As the ship cleared the sea gate, she threw a volley of smaller bolts at the figure on the ice.

An icy blast spayed forward, dousing Regina's attack. The sea gate froze over, and the ice spread into the open ocean, reaching for the ship as it heeled around to head away from the mountains on the other side of the fjord. It closed in, the surface crackling and popping as it froze-

And the fireball Regina had thrown earlier smashed into the ice in front of Illyana just as she passed through the sea gate. It punched clean through, sending a spray of water and steam high into the air. Emma heard a shriek, and suddenly the water in every direction was freezing, the fountain congealing in midair and sleeting back down to the solid surface. The icy crust slowly spread over the sea, but the ship was pulling away now, heading towards the open water.

Regina nodded in satisfaction. "Broke her concentration. She won't be able to chase us after a scare like that."

Emma peered aft; the gleaming ice was already disappearing into the night. "I hope she's okay....."

"What I hope," Regina turned to Jan, "is that the Prince has some idea where we should go next."

"And perhaps," Captain Klaus strode over, still in his nightshirt. "he can also speak to what's become of the men we had to leave behind?"

Jan looked taken aback, then took a breath and stepped forward. "If they survive the night, we may be able to rescue them once my mother and Queen Elsa return. When Father calms down, he'll turn to persuasion instead of more, ah, final methods."

"Speaking of whom....?"

He nodded at Emma. "Yes, I do know where to start looking." He turned back to the Captain. "Set your course for the Kingdom of Corona!"


Author's Note: I'm going to mostly ignore "The Tower" since it didn't really do anything with the Rapunzel story and I don't think she's appeared since. David helped some other princess out in the forest, and I'm bolting on Tangled in its place.

victor infante - Sep 21, 2014 5:31:01 pm PDT #1022 of 1103
To understand what happened at the diner, we shall use Mr. Papaya! This is upsetting because he's the friendliest of fruits.

Heaven's in Here

Part Seven: Waiting in the Sky

DCS Vale was a tall man – lean and muscular. He moved with an almost eerie grace, and he had the platonic ideal of a movie star's rugged chin. He seemed kind of ageless: He could be anywhere between 25 and 45, and yet there was something about him that made him feel even older. His arms were behind his back as we walked down the hall. The hall itself was lined with numerous framed photographs. Vale seemed to examine them absently as we walked.

“How are you settling in on your first day, DI Kord,” he asked, and I had to take a moment to answer.

“Well,” I said. “I was hospitalized after getting pounded on by skinheads, then got to work and walked straight into a kidnapping-homicide. With teenagers. Speaking of which, I should ...”

“Go talk to young Max Lord?” asked Vale. I nodded. “I know he's a longshot, but I can't help but think he's connected to this somehow.”

“So no evidence … just a hunch?” asked Vale, and the levelness of his voice became sort of unnerving. There was something foreign about his accent, something almost musical. He laughed.

“ I would have expected wild hunches from DCI Hunt, not you, DI Kord,” he says. “When I got your transfer papers, I thought you were going to be a real white knight, not a wild maverick like him.”

“Well I,” I started then stammered. “I'm not … I don't ...”

“Relax,” said Vale. “I'm just giving you a hard time. Gene's all right, in the end. He's been doing this a long time. He knows a thing or two.” Then, he looked at me, and there was an unshakable calm there. A placidity I'd only seen … I don't know. Space, maybe, the few times I've been out there. Nowhere on Earth.

“You're concerned about him interrogating the Bashir twins,” he said, and it wasn't a question. “and with good reason. That looked like quite a scene back there. But trust Gene, Ted. He might not seem it, but he's one of the good ones.”

We had come to an interrogation room, where Max was waiting by himself. Vale nodded and walked on, and I entered to watch Max through the one-way glass . He looked like a scared kid. Which I guess he was. I could barely see the man who shot me in his face.

Etta was waiting in the observation room, watching the boy with interest.

“I'm not sure what you saw in him that made him such a threat,” she said lightly.

“Well,” I said, trying to sound confident, “let's find out.”

Sitting down across from Max was surreal. He had always been the one in control of our dealings. It was just part of who he was. Now? Not so much.

“Who are you?” he asked. “You said you knew me. Were you one of the cops who investigated my dad's death? Those are the only policemen I've ever met, and I don't remember you.”

“Something like that,” I said, trying to keep my voice level like Vale did. Now that guy had a presence. It was like talking to Superman, that sheer force of will. I think I was developing a man-crush on DCS Vale … not that there's anything wrong with that. I kept my focus on max.

“Do you belong to any groups or organizations,” I asked. “The Socialist Students Union, maybe?”

Max shook his head.

“No. No way,” he said. “If I were any more of a capitalist, they'd put me in a top hat and monocle.”

“Oh, yeah,” I laughed. “I could totally see that. But did you know any of the kids in that group? The Bashir twins? Or Braddock?”

“Well … yeah,” he said. “It's a small school. I know pretty much everybody.”

This … was harder than I thought it would be. I was running out of questions. So we talked a few more minutes, and had him give me his whereabouts of the time of the kidnappings and murder, and then let him go, asking a uniformed office to drive him home safely. I might just have completely blown this lead, and I still didn't know if either he or the kids had any bearing on what I was doing in 1990.

I wasn't a cop. I was a superhero. I needed to start doing this the way I knew how to do it.

I watched Max leave, more confused than when he entered, then started looking (continued...)

victor infante - Sep 21, 2014 5:31:02 pm PDT #1023 of 1103
To understand what happened at the diner, we shall use Mr. Papaya! This is upsetting because he's the friendliest of fruits.

( continues...) at the faces on the wall, the snapshots of decades and decades of police. Some were old, black & white. Others had that odd off color that photos from the '60s and '70s had. He didn't know what he was looking for in all of these strangers' faces, but he knew he'd know it when he saw it. And then he saw it, and was so startled he yipped. Etta, not far off heard and asked what was wrong.

“This picture,” I said, looking at what looked like an old '70s print – judging from the color and the collars. I pointed to the large man in the center of the shot.

DCI Hunt. Looking the exact same then as he did now.