Ooh, where did you find it? I guess they're shipping slightly early.
I ordered it through barnes & noble (the actual store). I guess they got it in early and decided not to hold it until the proper release date.
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Ooh, where did you find it? I guess they're shipping slightly early.
I ordered it through barnes & noble (the actual store). I guess they got it in early and decided not to hold it until the proper release date.
Did Jewel Staite appear on The X-Files? I think it's JS, but the actress is young - maybe 12 or so. She's being held hostage in a basement by a creepy guy.
ETA: OK, two seconds later, I've confirmed that it's JS. I love the internet.
Yes, she did. I seem to recall her commenting on having to be given Mouth to Mouth by David Duchovny.
She's being held hostage in a basement by a creepy guy.
Well, that narrows it down to one or two episodes a season (snark directed at CC and not JenP). Can you specify the ep? Or at least the major theme of the ep?
Frank, it's Oubliette .
Frank, it's Oubliette .
Thank ye!
Heh, good point, Frank. It was Jewel. Poor little thing. But she ended up OK. And, yeah, mouth to mouth from DD.
Check it. There are six months between now and the release of Serenity.
Will we care about Joss' porn addiction then?
Well, OK, we will.
As long as there are porn addictions in this world, we will never stop paying attention/fighting/cheering.
I ordered it through barnes & noble (the actual store). I guess they got it in early and decided not to hold it until the proper release date.
(I'm a B&N employee.) If it's not a strict-on-sale title (mostly major releases, like the next Harry Potter book), it goes on sale the day it arrives in the store. Odd exceptions happen like a title being SOS while the corresponding audiobook isn't, and can be bought in advance of the book's actual release.
To steer this back on topic, I got my copy of Finding Serenity early, too, and I've been pleased with the quality so far. I like Jane Espenson's little asides at the start of each piece. Also, Jewel Staite has an essay where she highlights 5 things she liked from each episode.