Wolfram! Nice to see you round these parts.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Wolfram, I'm sorry the New job didn't work out, but the offer from the Old Firm sounds interesting.
In short, I've agreed to take a few weeks to consider it and work at an hourly rate on a few things at my schedule. Meanwhile, I'm free to pursue other opportunities too.This sounds good. I remember how burnt you felt before you left your old firm. I'm glad you get the chance to feel them out and take some time to decide.
Your post about your children had me cracking up. I know that age, very well. And don't feel badly -- my six year old is just starting to grasp the cause/effects relationship of water before bed.
Hey Robin, good to be back.
Which is where some of it looks like malicious intent to me, because that prepaid money was evidently long ago spent on previous events that didn't profit.
I assume this is the event from a few months back that got canceled last minute and everyone flew out and ended up making their own fun? I don't know much about it, but it seems to me you just follow the trail of money. If someone can prove that the fan organizers took money for this event and used it on other events or on themselves, or even if they just took the money in bad faith knowing that the event was not going to go forward, that should be enough to constitute fraud.
I remember how burnt you felt before you left your old firm. I'm glad you get the chance to feel them out and take some time to decide.
Yeah. I'm also trying to make sure I protect myself with an exit strategy before making any agreement to go back.
Side note: Did this board get spell-check? Or is that just on my computer?
Maybe the new Firefox, Wolfram?
Hey, Wolfram! Nice to see you. Best of deciding things to you.
Maybe the new Firefox, Wolfram?
Yes, that must be it. Never noticed it before.
Thanks, JenP.
Even my instant messenger spell checks, nowadays. I call it the automatic mocking feature.
Universal are putting out a 2 disc version of Serenity (special edition) in the US in July.
What makes it special?
It comes on two discs?
It comes with a Reaver puppet?