Jayne: What're you gonna tell the others? Mal: About what? Jayne: About why I'm dead. Mal: Hadn't thought about it. Jayne: Make something up. Don't tell 'em what I did.


Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains  

Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.

Kevin - Dec 29, 2006 10:12:02 am PST #9338 of 10001
Never fall in love with somebody you actually love.


Volans - Dec 29, 2006 10:25:49 am PST #9339 of 10001
move out and draw fire

The Family Guy (rezzed) and Undeclared, right? Or was Undeclared on NBC?

beekaytee - Dec 29, 2006 10:29:56 am PST #9340 of 10001
Compassionately intolerant

"No offense intended." None comprehended!

My very favorite Tick line ever. I feel personally robbed by Fox. For so many reasons...mostly Firefly in nature, but I truly adored the Tick.

Polter-Cow - Dec 29, 2006 10:49:23 am PST #9341 of 10001
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

Another question: What other good shows has Fox cancelled? I know there's quite a collection, but I'm having a mental lapse.

Well, let's ask Family Guy.

bon bon - Dec 29, 2006 11:45:39 am PST #9342 of 10001
It's five thousand for kissing, ten thousand for snuggling... End of list.

Kitchen Confidential
Arrested Development
Depending on your opinion, Millennium
Adventures of Brisco County, Jr.

Narrator - Dec 29, 2006 12:00:54 pm PST #9343 of 10001
The evil is this way?

Cupid. (It wasn't on Fox but I'm holding the network accountable anyway.)

beekaytee - Dec 29, 2006 12:03:38 pm PST #9344 of 10001
Compassionately intolerant


I loved Cupid with an unwholesome love. Maybe more than any other teevee show ever.

Dana - Dec 29, 2006 12:05:31 pm PST #9345 of 10001
I'm terrifically busy with my ennui.

Strange Luck

Laga - Dec 29, 2006 12:21:19 pm PST #9346 of 10001
You should know I'm a big deal in the Resistance.

Oh Cupid! I loved that show! quick visit to imdb and it's not available on DVD. Curse you Narrator for reminding me of its existence!

Narrator - Dec 29, 2006 12:34:58 pm PST #9347 of 10001
The evil is this way?

Curse you Narrator for reminding me of its existence!

Excellent. I was short on my 2006 curses. This gets me to my quota just before year end. Whee!!! (I would buy the Cupid DVD if it was offered, but Columbia TriStar ain't interested. Stoopidheads. I'm sure their executives work for Fox, at least in spirit.)