I was greeted with a "Firefly just ENDS!" today at a one year old's birthday party. I'd given the DVDs to her parents when she was born and they only now had time to watch (and apparently did it marathon-style. ) I reassured him there was a movie, but he was just so disappointed that I couldn't magically conjure up more series. It was funny.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
It was funny.
In a sad kind of way...
Una: Your observations are correct, I think. However, if I were Mal or YoSafBridge facing the possibility of an ID-check from Ye Olde Feds, I think I'd consider fading over the local horizon on general principles.
Being all cowardly in that way.
I was greeted with a "Firefly just ENDS!" today at a one year old's birthday party.
I got this, but at work. It's a lovely feeling, with maybe a little guilt. At least I was able to assure him that Wonderfalls arced neatly.
Firefly didn't "just end".
It ended too soon, but the ending was whole. It was a very Sartre ending, I'll grant you, with the Sarte lookalike floating alone in space, encapsulated, but artistically whole.
Joss is a god.
(for the recent: [link] )
My goilfriend is in a seriously intense science coma. She has been so for the last few days. Consequently, I have watched Seasons 6 and 7 Buffy and Firefly on the DVD once again, some more, another time, yet still.
I went in there and said "Hi!" a minute ago. There was this glazed-over Dark Willow woman who uttered incomprehensible molecular science … utterances … back at it me.
Sometimes having a nerd-grrl fetish is kinda scary.
Yeah. but getting to actually have your own Willow.... Guh.
I'm with you, Typo. The fetish lives.
It is just that sometimes you need to paint arcane chemical notation all over your bod to get their attention...
Not that that is bad thing.
"Thirteen klicks" is "hull adjacent".
I wanna be Mal Reynolds when I grow up.