First news I remember was Cuban missile crisis. The adults and kids were fairly calm about it, but all the teenagers in our neighborhood were all "we're gonna die! Oh dear god! we're gonna die".
'Hell Bound'
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
My first news memory is JFK being assassinated, I was 6.5 and old enough to get the death part but too young to understand all of it, but I knew it was bad.
First major news event I remember actually watching on TV was President Kennedy's funeral. I'm sure I'd watched the news before that, as my father was addicted to TV news, but that's the first time I remember really paying attention to it and that was first grade. Having seen those news clips forever, over and over since then, I sometimes wonder just how real that memory is anymore? I did have quite a crush on John-John.
The first major news event I remember watching was Princess Diana's wedding.
Shocking, I know.
I remember watching the last moon landing. But at that age, non-space news was boring, so I don't really remember Watergate. I have a few memories of the Ford administration, such as my teacher's anger when he pardoned Nixon.
I was born a few months before Kennedy was shot, and I feel like I remember it because my mother talked about it for years. I think I remember watching the moon landing. I was six. I may just be retro-remembering from seeing it rerun on tv years later. I know I was around and conscious for Reagan and Watergate and Carter and Cuban missile crisis and hostages and Patty Hearst and all that, but the first news event that sticks in my mind, that I remember where I was and what I was doing, was the Challenger explosion. I dropped a sack of groceries and started to cry.
I did have teeth pulled for braces on the day of Sarah and Prince Andrew's Wedding...
Speed of lightning, roar of thunder! Fighting all who rob or plunder!
"Underdog" always makes me think of the excellent Season 1 Scrubs episode "My Hero".
I vaguely remember watching the news about Dukakis losing the 1988 election and feeling really sorry for him, but I'm not sure why. I certainly didn't know anything about American politics.
My first concrete news memory is the Tiananmen Square Massacre. I also remember riding in a bus that went by/through the Square when students were already there protesting, some time before June 4. It's both funny and disturbing to think how differently I saw the whole event back then, with state-controlled media telling me day and night how evil the students were.
Jen was Jen (hi, Jen!)
Hi! t waves
My first concrete news memory:
I remember the evening news showing white and black balls (ping pong ball size) in big glass jars to show presidential candidate's current standing in the polls. I don't remember what presidential election it was for, though. Seems like it should have been for the 1976 election, but Ford v. Carter doesn't seem right, so it must have been earlier. My parents were majorly involved in the McGovern campaign, so 1972 was probably it. I was five.