Extended Firefly gagreel: [link]
I had the extended Serenity gagreel, but didn't publish it as, basically, it might have caused trouble. (Yes, Kevin avoids trouble. For once). It's a lot better (and has actual music, so makes sense when Mal dances..), so I hope after a few years somebody sticks it into the public domain.
Aww, now I'm sad to not have access to that Serenity one...I'm so confused when all the sound cuts out on that bit where Nathan's dancing.
Thanks, Kevin. That reel def mo' bettah.
BF just came over with my birthday present - a set of Serenity film cells! Yay! Extra-super boyfriend points.
Jar's bloke wins the boyfriend b-day-prezzie competition. On the other hand, I'd bet you would be very unhappy if cats started climbing YOUR prezzie. Me? I love watching the cats climb mine.
Jars, does your BF, by any chance, have a brother who's single?
I was thinking of cloning.
That would also be acceptable.
Found on Whedonesque:
Beware the Subliminal Fruity Oaty Bar Messages KFJC 89.7fm is currently playing the theme song for our favorite futuristic snack bar.
Serentiy is among the first batch of HD-DVD releases: [link]