Have you ever done something insane like watch the entire run of a TV series in order on DVD over the course of a week (because you are trying to make them last), resulting in never being able to stop thinking about it, to the point of dreaming it?
Finally Got My Big Damn TV So Was Able to Watch Firefly in Widescreen as God Intended. (Mrs.)
Dear Mrs. Finally Got My Big Damn TV So Was Able to Watch Firefly in Widescreen as God Intended,
Have you met us?
No. Really. Have you met us?
I'm not sure if this Joss/Firefly article has been linked to yet. [link]
Note: It has one very very small casting spoiler which I think has been mentioned here before.
Have you ever done something insane like watch the entire run of a TV series in order on DVD over the course of a week (because you are trying to make them last), resulting in never being able to stop thinking about it, to the point of dreaming it?
A couple years ago when I was compiling that Mutant enemy slash tape, I watched something like 160 hours of
episodes in two weeks. I'm still surprised I didn't wake up thinking I was Willow at some point.
Have you ever done something insane like watch the entire run of a TV series in order on DVD over the course of a week (because you are trying to make them last), resulting in never being able to stop thinking about it, to the point of dreaming it?
Pretty much watched Firefly over the course of a weekend, when I was feeling too sick to leave the couch. I miss a lot of the cool subtleties when on drugs, but, still, pretty! And now I get to go back and watch everything sober. Almost morally compelled to do so, actually. Or so I like to tell myself.
A couple years ago when I was compiling that Mutant enemy slash tape, I watched something like 160 hours of Buffy and Angel episodes in two weeks. I'm still surprised I didn't wake up thinking I was Willow at some point.
Don't be so hasty, Matt. Did you ever find yourself in the basement, wearing hats?
shameless shout-out to little bam bam in case he lurks
Two seasons of Oz over the course of two weekends had me just about curled up in a catatonic ball in the corner.
Two seasons of Oz over the course of two weekends had me just about curled up in a catatonic ball in the corner.
Really? Because while Oz is as harsh as it gets, at a certain point it strained my credibility to the breaking point. How many times can guys get crucified or their dick bit off and still roam in GenPop? All the reversals seemed to loop back on themselves like a mobius strip.
I watched all of Season 2 of Buffy (which I'd never seen before) over Labor Day weekend in 2001, having just gotten my Australian DVDs and Sampo DVD player.
I watched S2 of
in two days. 13 episodes Saturday, 9 Sunday, I think it was.