We should get his book published.
If the Lensmen sagas made it to print, Uncle D is a shoe-in.
I need my 30's-style ponderous soap opera about an intersteller Masonic Jesus.
For note: I would rather re-read the densly packed pondersously ponderous 30's space opera than to ever read Dune again.
There. I've said it.
Ditto for re-reading ponderous 30's space opera vs some Hemmingway.
Daniel, if Andi wasn't standing in my way, I would so marry you. E.E. "Doc" Smith, Lensman and Vortex Blasters forever!
I need my 30's-style ponderous soap opera about an intersteller Masonic Jesus.
Me too. The text could even be aggressivley
like a Hemminmgway thing ...
The letter 'G' was on the door of the craft. There were calipers. I had fear.
Daniel, if Andi wasn't standing in my way, I would so marry you. E.E. "Doc" Smith, Lensman and Vortex Blasters forever!
Sail, you can have him. I want JZ's uncle D.
Bloody hell. At least I'm alive.
Buy Daniel a homburg, Andi. Then you can have the best of both worlds.
Ok. Or? Sail and I could get married and let Daniel watch....
In a world where
The Da Vinci Code
tops all best-seller lists, how can
Jesus the Interstellar Mason
(working title) NOT get published?