You're not the only one who gets chills there. It's not The Ballad of Serenity, but it's a damn fine theme....
It wasn't even the music. I think it was the ship, which is so not me. I'm getting misty thinking about it now.
I guess I'm the only one who didn't have any problem believing the movie's little retcon of how Simon got River out, but that's the Simon I always saw: a brave, young man, who's accustomed to being good at everything he does, floundering in an strange environment where he's the only one who doesn't know how things work. I liked watching him deal with that; he's an interesting character. He had his idiot moments, but so did they all.I didn't have trouble believing it, so much as I thought, I wish he'd been more like this in the TV series. I didn't like Simon in the TV series. I really liked him a lot, in the movie.
I watched the rest, today. I'm glad I was spoiled for Wash's death. I know I would have been irrationally angry. It still makes me angry, but not rage-filled.
I found myself with moist eyes (though no actual tears) a few times. It surprised me. I really don't care about "Firefly" any more, but I did love the characters, so it hurt to see them hurt.
I hated the tombstones. I thought they cheapened the grave site scene--visually, that is. It just seemed silly to see goddess-like Zoe, approaching this TV Wash. It took me out of the moment, and made me think of Harry Potter, where the pictures on books and stuff talk and move.
I liked Inara better. I miss Book. I wouldn't want to get more of Book's backstory through the operative. I wish Wash had died another way. I thought that was a cheap death. I'm glad Mal has something to believe in, now.
Mr. Universe was just Warren (with a side of Andrew, Jonathan, and possibly Willow) with a less sophisticated Buffy Bot. A necessary plot device, I guess.
I'm not sorry I watched Serenity. I was afraid I would be. I think it wrapped it up for me, though. I don't want Joss to touch the 'verse again. I mean, I know it's his to touch or not, but I don't want it. It's sort of how I felt about him and Buffy, after the Angel episode, The Girl in Question.
I am glad Kaylee and Simon got together. This time, he seemed different. I wouldn't have believed it on FF.
This is so random. I'm sorry. Will be back with more thoughts once they're actually in solid form. Or maybe not.