No comment. Aarrrghhh. If there'd been three million willing to fork over $10 for a ticket opening weekend (much < $25) we'd be asking Tim about his plans for the sequel. Sorry about that.
I want one of those Zippos too. But I'm also thinking knockoff: a "Zeppo" lighter with a "Serrenity" logo. I'll shut up now.
Since I commented in a couple other places, I guess I'll follow suit and hold my tongue.
They should use, that way no one is charged unless they raise the money.
That's an interesting site. Cool guarantee.
Maybe they can use the money they raise to buy themselves a life.
I notice they are not taking donations at the moment and indeed are returning donations due to " insurmountable odds and legal issues launching our fund-riasing drive."
me some
but even I come to a point where I can't wrap my brain around the craxy. Cute site, though.
Cute site, though.
Yeah, the design was first rate.