Oh! Funny (to me) story. My sister was somewhere a couple of months ago, (I forget where) and she got surveyed about Serenity. I'm not sure whether it was for the movie or the DVD. Anyway, they asked her a bunch of questions along the lines of (I'm making these up, but it was this kind of thing):
Does this look like a movie you would like?
Do you like science fiction?
Do you like westerns?
Does the poster appeal to you?
Did you watch the TV series Firefly?
Would you buy this DVD?
... um, why?
"Because my sister said I should go see the movie. She swears I'll like it, and she'd be mad at me if I said, 'No.'"
Heh. And I didn't even tell her more than twice. She was funny, she said, "I kept answering, 'No,' even though I didn't want to be so negative. But... I really didn't like any of those things."
JenP, that's brilliant. I've been trying to get my labmates trained that way. I think they're still mostly rolling their eyes at me. (especially when, like today, I'm wearing my River "I can kill you with my brain." T-shirt.)
Dark Horse is making a couple shiny Serenity items: a Zippo lighter with the Serenity logo, and an "ornament" that's a model of Serenity. Small, but looks very detailed. Scroll down the page about halfway for details. Things From Another World has them available for pre-order, for somewhat cheaper than retail.
I'm so getting one of those Zippos. I don't smoke, but I'm of the firm opinion you should always have the ability to make fire close at hand. At the moment I carry a crappy plastic lighter in my coat pocket. I'll be quite happy to replace it with a cool Serenity one.
Presented without comment.
Oh, I should comment that there is loud music involved.
They're 0.001548% of the way there....
Huh. Well. Yeah, that's... Huh.