I'd be more excited if the list didn't also include the penguins in Madagascar.
I liked the penguins in Madagascar. They were the highpoint of the movie for me.
I was watching the outtakes last night and Fillion looked really good in them. Like the color timing of the movie made him look worse or something.
I don't know about cute, but watching the Serenity DVD the other night, I thought he looked pretty haggard, which I'm not sure if that was intentional or not, considering the place Mal is in for most of the movie.
I liked the penguins in Madagascar. They were the highpoint of the movie for me.
I didn't see
but they were funny in a short played before
Wallace & Gromit.
The Browncoats site is down. A bit sad--I was chatting there earlier.
Friend of Cow: have you gotten the Serenity DVD yet?
Cow: No.
Friend of Cow: DON'T GET IT
Cow: Oh...kay.
Friend of Cow: that's me being subtle.
Yay for me!
I feel cheated that the Serenity soundtrack doesn't have the nifty acoustic theme at the end of the credits. Hence, I like my Firefly soundtrack better. (well, for more reasons than that.)
I'm also feeling petty and bitter, and hating that FOX is making money off DVD and CD sales for Firefly. They don't deserve it! The money should go straight to the cast and crew--people who actually appreciated it and cared about it, damnit.
Well, it's not like the money goes directly to the tv network, right?
It goes to the production company.
I'm with Una on soundtrack prefs. I just think the Firefly soundtrack is better music. Although I do wish there had been time to develop each track into themes, as Shore did for LotR. There's some fabulous music on that cd. I regularly play it along with the BSG series soundtrack, those two seem to share a similar spirit, musically, as an auditory experience removed from their origins. Um. As it were.
Just got my FF soundtrack today, and I love it. Same thoughts as Bev, wishing some of the themes had been developed into fuller pieces, but love it. And, yeah, I think I'll throw it into rotaiton with the two BSG soundtracks. And then I'll make mixy CDs. Fun.
Finally broke the seal on my Serenity DVD. Watching the extras. Is it the contract or something that all the CG guys on this have to be hot? Much hawtitude. Not to mention the outtake of Sean slapping Nathan...
Also on the FF soundtrack: I get teary on the funeral track every. time. That's some mad composition skillz. (er. but not good grammar.)