I saw Serenity again last night at the dollar theatre (I am now the biggest nerd ever; I bought two tickets just for me--they were a dollar anyway) and had a thought for discussion. Is River still crazy at the end of the movie? More and more I get the impression that she isn't. Mal calls Miranda the "secret that burned up River Tam's brain." After they see the holo on the rescue ship and River throws up, she tells Simon she's okay, and repeats it very deliberately. It feels like she's telling him--and us--that she's really *okay*, now that she's not the only one (outside Alliance brass) who knows the secret of Miranda.
I think she is much more normal, yet as Andi (Windsparrow) points out as we discuss this IRL whilst I'm typing, "her brain has still been seriously messed with."
She's okay, as far as it goes, but that's just that she's much more lucid, but that can change.
It feels like she's telling him--and us--that she's really *okay*, now that she's not the only one (outside Alliance brass) who knows the secret of Miranda. Thoughts?
Una, that's how I read it too. The worst is over for her and the healing can really begin, now that the nightmare she has been sharing has been exorcised.
That's how I read it, too, though I suspect there was still some nutty goodness there.
Shawna Trpcic is apparently auctioning off her collection of Firefly costumes to start a nest egg for her kids' education. [link]
Serenity DVD cover spoof. Warning: llamas.
llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama llama vid show vid show...
Finally saw "Serenity"--yay, dollar movies--and I knew beforehand about Book and Wash. I can see the point of killing Book (convenient he was the only one to survive long enough to talk, but hey), but why kill Wash? True, it underscores Joss' "nearly everyone is fair game" views, but it seems to serve little purpose except for an extra level of angst. Still, I was crying a lot in all the right places, and a good movie viewing was had by all.
Why kill Wash? Because it made the reaver battle that followed a real nail biter. I had no idea who'd be next (Zoe? Jayne? Kaylee? Simon?) and I was very much relieved there wasn't a next. (And I loved it when River went all Buffy on the reavers.) Besides, do you really think Alan Tudyk would've been available for sequels? He just seems like the kind of actor too many casting directors would love to add to their casts.
From what I've heard, AT wanted to keep his schedule free for Broadway.