The sound and rendering in them compares unfavorably to my home rig.
This has been buggin' me and I just figured out why.
Carpool to SF with friends. Late supper, then visit an art gallery together. Watch "Objects in Space" and sip sake there. Attend the first midnight showing of Serenity at the Metreon, which plays to three packed auditoriums. Go home exhausted, well past 3am.
A very pleasant evening out. And for the life of me I can't see how the home theatre experience can compare with it, no matter how perfect the sound system.
Kicking back with 8 to 10 of your crew, all with their favorite bev in hand, grooving on the presentation.
Is it still playing at the regular theaters in Chicago?
It is last time I checked. It was at the AMC on Western.
Huh. So it it.
OK, Yahoo movies is officially fucked, because I searched for the city of Chicago and there was no
I had to search by the zipcode for Wicker Park to find that theater.
I know the Big Names do not come around here anymore, because they have cashed that cheque.
Yes, DCJ. I am lately cynical.
Big Names? Tim's round here all the time. You can't be bothered by a lack of joss, can you?
You can't be bothered by a lack of joss, can you?
Well sure. Who wouldn't be?