So now I'm imagining all these people feeling about my lovely theme song the way I feel about the Enterprise abomination.
If I just put him in the 'freak' pile, I won't have to fuck with my worldview.
Wrod. I
the theme song. And I have listened to the soundtrack for OMWF frequently.
I made my dad stay through the credits last Sunday, just so I could sing. We were the only ones left.
Every. single. time.
edited because I love the music, but apparently can't type.
Ahem. I would like to just take a moment to say that I LOVE NILLY'S SPICY BRAINS. < /end spaz attack>
Nilly has the amazing ability to put into words things that I was thinking, that was living just at the back of my subconscious, but that I hadn't been able to put into words. Pure genius.
In other news... um... I liked the theme song, and I have yet to sit through all the credits. First time, my friends (not so much with the fannishness) wanted to leave right away, and the second time the dumb theater didn't show the credits. What's up with that? I would like to hear the new version.
Also, Gandalfe has email and a package on the way.
I like the tv version and Joss's version of the theme better than what they have on the movie credits. On the other hand, I like Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia better than plain chocolate, but I still love plain chocolate ice cream.
I like the tv version and Joss's version of the theme better than what they have on the movie credits.
Oh, wrod, for sure, but we end of the credits singers gotta work with what we got.
Absolutely. As I said, I waited for the theme every time.
Having an excellent day with the BRQG:
Hated the opening theme song.
Come listen to a story
about a crew in outerspace
Poor li'l brigands
could barely feed their face
Then one day they were stealing from a train
Up through the score come a twangy refrain
Space that is...AstroWhores...Western Stars...
Heh. Well, as noted just upthread, I did come around on the song.
Went to see Serenity for the 5th time yesterday afternoon. Sadly my friends and I were the only ones in the theatre. Then again, it was a workday afternoon.
Also, as for the previous fuffling, I self-identify as a Browncoat simply because I've been involved socially with members of the fandom and have actively participated in Firefly-related activities. No other show has inspired me to do that. I wouldn't have found Buffistas if it wasn't for Firefly and I have several real and true friends I never would have met if not for this show.
Browncoat doesn't have to mean craxy obsessive. Some of us just like to get together and have fun. Like going apple picking (or trying to and getting rained on). [link]
Look, it is the Chicago Browncoats. I recognize many of you and I live in CA. Me obsessed? Never.
Imagine Mal's reaction to the TARDIS landing in the cargo bay: [link]
Firefly/Doctor Who crossover. (Spoilerish for movie/9th Doctor, season 26)