Last I heard, she was alive. But reading the coverage was freaky. Especially when you got to
the quote from the boyfriend/husband about how he thought she (the attacker) was pregnant.
Also, Strega, I just read this and thought it was cute:
I do suggest that if you don't know anyone in the biz who can read your TV spec, you find the most intelligent person on the relevant Television Without Pity forum and ask him or her if they'd be willing to read it for you.
The loaning continues ... a friend to whom I'd said "You have a Firefly-shaped hole in your life." returned disc 1 to me today and gruffly asked for disc 2. Which is out on loan to someone else. Well, he didn't exactly return it to me, because the guy standing next to me grabbed it and said "Hey, can I borrow that?" and made off with it. He promises to have it back to me on Tuesday.
Large backlog for disc 2.
When I asked him if he'd liked it, he said he hadn't expected to, but did, but that whoever wrote the theme song should be shot. Which I also heard in a discussion about it yesterday. So now I'm imagining all these people feeling about
lovely theme song the way I feel about the Enterprise abomination. It's ick.
I still can't imagine someone not liking the theme song. It half made the show for me. Just like the theme song for "Wonderfalls." They're very distinctive and there is no way I would accidentally associate the theme song with a different show. I do that with some of the theme songs out there.
Everyone I know hated the song at the beginning, but were singing along by the end of the discs. And no one believes me when I tell them it'll grow on them. And then I can say "I told you so." Which is always fun.
The guy I was talking to last night hated it still by the end, and said he liked Joss's version much better, because it was both sparer and rougher.
that whoever wrote the theme song should be shot.
I got a voicemail the other day from a friend who has recently become a fan of the series. (Said friend refused to watch it when it was on TV.) All the message said was, "Joss should never be allowed to write songs ever again."
If I just put him in the 'freak' pile, I won't have to fuck with my worldview.
Dammit, why must people insist on being difficult, with their 'opinions' and 'individuality'? Don't the public schools knock that out of them these days?
All the message said was, "Joss should never be allowed to write songs ever again."
Has said friend seen OMWF?