I've pretty much resigned myself to not seeing it till it's generally released.
Firefly 4: Also, we can kill you with our brains
Discussion of the Mutant Enemy series, Firefly, the ensuing movie Serenity, and other projects in that universe. Like the other show threads, anything broadcast in the US is fine; spoilers are verboten and will be deleted if found.
Possibly--it's very likely that, the showing being late on a work night, Ellen (my co-worker) will bail completely, leaving me with two extra tickets. I've got an e-mail out to her, and will let you know as soon as she gets back to me.
Huh. There's a Pittsburgh screening. I didn't know! In a theater 15 minutes from my house. And tickets are available.
t feels guilty about getting tickets although have seen it already
t hand magically moves mouse to click on the ticket purchase
Reading this thread is making me kind of relieved that there isn't a showing within practical getting to distance of me.
Yeah!!! I got tickets! I gave up on waiting for Cincinnati. We even called the box office and talked to a manager. She was completely clueless and the other manager, who might have known something, wasn't available. So I'm driving a little further for the Columbus show. Now, I have to see if I can get any friends to go, since I doubt central Ohio is going to sell out quickly.
And I did get the
I'm sorry. This theater is temporarily unavailable for online ticket sales. Please click here to search for other showtimes for this movie.
message once. I tried again immediately and got tickets with no problems (apparently).
Steph L., you could always try Columbus. But if you're debating going at all, it may not be worth that much driving to you. I'm in Dayton, so it's not quite so far.
ACK! The Portland link's working now! And I'd already decided I was going to wait till it was really out! ANd now I'm all indecisive....by the time I decide, it'll probably be sold out...mommy...
I gave up on waiting for Cincinnati. We even called the box office and talked to a manager. She was completely clueless
I am SO not surprised. Good lord.
Cincinnati's live. In my impatience, I've ended up with two tickets to the Columbus showing and four to the Cincinnati showing. Ah well, I'm sure someone will take the Columbus ones off my hands.
Ling Mao, that's funny!
I now have 2 tickets. Might as well go, huh? Maybe SA will come up for it.
(I should probably watch the rest of the season now, shouldn't I?)
I was so certain they weren't doing any here in Salt Lake, I didn't even bother checking. And now it's sold out.
So, if anyone has any extras . . . .