Here is how my morning went: up at 6:30 am to take a friend to VA, then use his car to meet another friend in Cleveland Park to go to the Georgetown theatre to buy tickets.
The theatre assured me...on three seperate occasions that box office would be open at that time.
My friend is late. Take the train. The train is delayed because of mechanical problems, plus, Capital Hill is on lockdown due to something nefarious happening in a building 6 blocks from my house.
I jump out of the Metro and take a cab. It costs me $15.
I get to the theatre and the friend who is supposed to join me at the box office can't come.
I wait.
A creepy old guy comes for a trade screening of Bewitched and tells me the door is open.
I wait.
Three employees come by. None of them understand when I ask them about tickets. None of them can work the ticket machine. The lobby machine doesn't work.
I wait.
The manager saunters in at 10:20am and yells at me that the tickets went on sale at midnight.
She turns her back on me and walks away.
I get the name of the regional manager. Once I've walked the half hour in the heat and humidity to the Metro and taken the 20 minute ride home...I place a call to said regional director. Leave a message.
I wait.