Just talked to the DC theatre and was told that the listing won't go up until "about two weeks before". But then, the trying to be helpful minion recommended I call back on Monday.
Two weeks before the 23rd, I will be out of town =the entire day=. Somehow I doubt there will be tix left the day after that. We'll see...
I know I may have mentioned this before, but DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL.
In other news, two shiny new toasters should be wending their way to me any time now. I'm converting my workmates one by one. Yesterday I got two "Why on earth did they cancel this?" (which never gets old) and one "There's no sound in space! That's so cool!"
I have tickets, la la la la la la.
Phew! If I can't have a screening, at least Dana can. I am starting to consider travelling for one, but it would be tight in either direction, getting there after work.
I have tickets, la la la la la la.
t shrieks
t recovers
I shall purchase plane tickets. Because I desperately need a long weekend. In fact, I need a vacation so much, I'll even let you pimp SGA.
So at my tiny theater in the cornfield, we finally put the Serenity trailer on our two prints of Star Wars. I guess Universal wanted to pimp Cinderella Man first, since it comes out today.
I was so tortured by having to watch the trailer twice this morning. To... make sure it was on right. Yeah, that's it. O! the torture.
I may be misremembering the internet version, but I think they cut out a few sweeping space shots. I was also saddened by an explosion in space that had SOUND (which I know was not in the 'net version). But there was still much of the pretty.
Is there someone out there who would be willing to pounce on Philly tickets for me assuming that MovieTickets.com puts them up for sale on Monday? I've got work starting at 10 a.m., and I've got a feeling they'll be up for sale that day. After one of my coworkers loved the last screening, I'm thinking of inviting along a few more coworkers who aren't familiar with the Firefly/Serenity verse. Either that, or I just may have to call in sick.
So no other tickets went on sale today? That's...bizarre.
Not finding anything for Chicago.
I might try to call the theatre once I locate my phone and charge it.
Hey folks. If you are so inclined, don't forget to watch the premiere of 4400 on USA this Sunday. Summer is in it and she looks very Riveresque.
Dana, you wouldn't happen to have bought an extra ticket or two, would you? My brother's going to be at M.D. Anderson this summer (we're dropping him off tomorrow), and I stupidly forgot this fact when I was telling my friends to buy tickets.