My SiL has never seen the original SW trilogy. She plans to see the whole series in numeric order. It'll be interesting to see how she responds. I'm afraid that 4-6 will seem very simple, with the very clear-cut good vs evil adventure story compared to 1-3.
I'd be more afraid that after 1 and 2 she'll say FUCK THIS SHIT and decline to watch the rest. Signed, very, very bitter about TPM and AoTC.
I actually liked RoTS a lot. I think Hayden Christiansen proved he does one thing very well - smoulder sexily. Yeah, Padme could have done a lot less standing around weeping, and there are definitely things to be desired in terms of continuity, but overall I enjoyed watching it and came away with some food for thought, which is more than I can say for either of the other 2 prequels.
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